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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I know some economist will tear me apart for this but I don’t see where the big deal is. To me this is just a consequence of a bunch of factors like the economy and overall women education. I get that you end up with a weird lob sided age graph, but solving that feels like an engineering problem.

    We have breakthroughs in automation every year. Every year a single citizen’s impact on overall GDP grows through productivity or efficiency. This is not even considering the impact AI/LLM/AGI will have on the next 10 years. I believe the focus should be on the positives of these trends. The environmental impact of a shrinking society for example. Let’s focus on those things instead of trying to convince people that adding more life to the capitalist income inequality machine is the solution. Adding more kids to the problem seems to only serve the top 1%ers instead of forcing us to have real serious discussions about universal income and what we should do with all the automation and efficiencies we keep creating.

  • The official stance if pushed would be some minor rebuke with no weight behind it. I come from that region of the world (Arabian peninsula) and muslims outside the peninsula are deemed less important. Its not how everyone thinks, but there is a turn your nose up at these none Arabic speaking muslims sentiments. You can see it in Qatar and UAE with treatment of Muslim Pakistani workers and even treatment of North African Muslim workers (even though they speak Arabic)

    So as stated above the religion is used to control the populace and that “we are the right kind of Muslim” sentiment is used to make sure the religion has not real influence on foreign policy with countries like China that can provide serious surveillance technology.