Well at the Prisma I go to we just scan products into bags in the store (you have your bags open the shopping cart)
Well at the Prisma I go to we just scan products into bags in the store (you have your bags open the shopping cart)
If it doesn’t understand what it’s saying can you really say it knows it? It has access to a lot of training data so it can get many things correct, but it’s effectively just generating the most likely answer from the training data
Why would you want that?
AI does not know things, it’s answers depend on the wording of the guestion. I guess it could be used if limited (teaching how to use it responsibly and showing how they make mistakes even in very simple situations)
Much like a calculator both are more effective if you know what is happening so you can catch the mistakes and fix them
A teacher of mine said to the class: “You may not like studying for now, but you will regret lacking education for the rest of your life”
So basically trade in half of your childhood to have a better time for most of the rest of your life (yeah work may suck, but with better education you can more easily find something you don’t hate)
I’m Finnish, so I know the situation in the US is bad But yeah media likes to hide the country’s problems in most countries
Tbf china and north korea are not as bad as the media portrays them as
Prison camp = prison
Slave labour = prison labour
Both disproportionately imprison and kill minorities, but isn’t that also what the US does
Forcing an unwanted birth doesn’t lead to a fulfilling life for the parent or the kid
We should also start penalizing people who have miscarriages right? Since that is essentially manslaughter then (I hope you get that this is a joke, just like your stance on abortion)