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Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Everything can be. But for the largest majority of people, eating is normal, eventhough it can seem to have some aspects of an addiction.

    And the most important part here is that even if you somehow get addicted to food, you cannot simply stop eating. Because you need to eat for your survival. It’s a biological need.

    That’s the point of the example : showing that something you can’t stop doing is not necessarily a bad thing. The details are very important when it comes to addiction.

    And video games are unfortunately victim of propaganda when it comes to their dangers.

  • An addiction is defined by two things : first, it has negative effects on your life. Second, trying to stop it makes you miserable.

    Food for example is not an addiction, it’s a biological need. The need for socialisation is another one.

    Video games can be an addiction. But I’d argue that they’re usually not, they usually a coping mechanism. When they are, the problem is elsewhere, and the video games are helping you to survive through the problem.

  • I think you’re thinking backward. Internet is what it is because a single protocole unified it. Without it, you’d have island working with only one browser each, some would eventually die and with them large parts of Internet would disappear.

    Internet works on unified protocoles. Everything that challenged this model is bound to fail. That’s why javascript is so successful eventhough it’s so shitty as a language.

    Evolution can only be iterative.

  • All countries of Europe are going fascists one after the other. Why if there is no problem?

    Europe had capitalism under a leash because communism was here to threaten it. Since the 90’s, capitalism is unleashed and inequalities are rising. USA didn’t had communism to tame its capitalism, because it was basically forbidden because of the cold war.

    Capitalism is entirely focused on having companies making a profit. If you don’t have strong states to tame it and redistribute the money, inequalities increase. It’s mathematical.

  • In case you missed it, co2 is causing global warming, which has the ability to extinct mankind in the future. EV don’t produce any co2. Some idiots will talk about indirect emissions, but the point is moot. You don’t remove indirect emissions by removing EV, you remove them by cleaning power grid and logistic lines.

    EV are a necessity on a short term basis. Developing public transports and alternative to cars are also a necessity.

  • Yes, but Russia is also supported by Iran and China. And there’s no sign of political collapse in Russia.

    I’m not saying Russia is winning. It would take them a millenia to conquer Ukraine at this pace. But I think currently they are only buying time to wait for US election. After that, and depending on whether a breakthrough happen or not before that, peace talk may happen, or not. Time will tell.

  • bouh@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWho's winning the war in Ukraine?
    7 months ago

    It’s mostly a stalemate for now. The dam destruction helped Russia funnel Ukraine counterattack on its biggest fortifications, so not much progress for Ukraine in the south. Russia resumed its offensive in the Dombass and Aavdiivka is starting to look like the new Bhakmut.

    It’s an attrition war and Russia is losing like 2 or 3 times as much as Ukraine in men or material. But Russia has much more men than Ukraine. Russian morale is very low, but Ukraine support from the west is under big pressure, both from Russian propaganda and conservative/fascist political parties. This last one is the real war happening now.

    Next year will be important because of the elections in the US. What happen on the battlefield is still to be seen.

  • There are two things with brushing your teeth: first, the mechanical action of the brush and the microparticuls in the toothpaste will clean the tooth. Second, the fluorine in the toothpaste will consolidate the enamel of the tooth, but it needs a bit of time to be absorbed.

    This is why it’s important to use real toothpaste and not the natural shit you can do yourself at home.

    So 2-3min is the right time to brush the tooth and allow the fluorine to be absorbed. Some dentists will also tell you to not rinse the mouth, only spit the saliva and paste, I imagine so that fluorine has more time to work.

  • Attraction is a mindset as much as it is a feeling. It is tied to desire. Desire is what you want out of an imaginary relationship, so to say.

    I see 3 kinds of romantic desires: sex, social status, and emotional intimacy (or friendship). The first is obvious, and is usually about appearance, but it can also be about what the sex will be about (kink, experience, whatever). Social status is more about how the relationship is perceived or what it can bring (regular family, social standing, money, religion,…). Last one is about friendship basically, that is being with someone and knowing this person.

    The desires breed attraction. They can change over time, and you can suppress or exacerbate them. Some situations can also wake them like food can wake hunger.

    If you want to avoid some problem relationships or if you seek deeper relationships, you’ll feel less attraction from sight, simply because you’ll need deeper knowledge and connections from a person to see what you desire and see the attraction grow.

    As for how it feels, it depends on the desire it feeds from. And it depends on the situation and the person. It depends on the moment itself.

    There, my model for all this.