Hm, the Music Assistant at least does not quite accomplish what I hope and it seems to rely on services such as Spotify or YT Music to be integrated. I couldn’t quite evaluate the LinkPlay-solution, but his comment on SD card corruption with RPis made me a bit worried for the balenaSound approach. I guess there’s a lot of write operations in such a setup, that can easily corrupt the SD cards. I wonder how often they kept failing for him - maybe it’ll end up being some sort of a “subscription fee” 😅
My wife says no more toys at the moment, but if I were to implement this, I’d probably pick up one of those Up2Streams for each room and try out the LinkPlay integration.
Then you have something to put on your list for Christmas, if that is something you celebrate :)
I find joy from creation. For a long time (2010s) I barely created anything, just consumed. Now I try to do a lot of different things. 3D modelling, game creation, music composing, writing, coding. My skill level doesn’t matter, as I am not dependent on these skills as a source of income (apart from coding to some extent), and the lower my skill, the easier it is to take some big leaps doing these activities, and that progress can yield happiness. I like having several different things as well, as if I lose motivation for one thing, I am not stuck between having nothing to do and forcing myself to do something I don’t really want to.
The other thing is nature. Slowing down and walking in the forest, in the mountains etc. Listening to a waterfall, to the birds etc. Fresh air. Good stuff.