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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • cynar@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldServer for a boat
    5 days ago

    Your best bet might be to use a laptop as the basis. They are already designed with power efficiency in mind, and you won’t need an external screen and keyboard for local problem solving.

    I would also consider having a raspberry pi 3 or similar as a companion. Services that must be up all the time run on the pi (e.g. network admin). The main computer only gets kicked out of sleep mode when required. The pi 3 needs less power than the newer pis, while still having enough computing power to not lag unless pushed hard.

    I definitely agree with SSDs. HDDs don’t do well when rotated when running. Boats are less than a stable platform.

  • One of Sir Issac Newton’s famous phrases is

    “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”

    This sounds very nobal and humbling. However, its meaning totally changes with a few facts. It was written in an open letter to Robert Hooke. Hooke was apparently quite short, and EXTREMELY sensitive about this. Newton was basically dissing Hooke. Nobody will be standing on your shoulders, shortie!

  • I’m a parent, and we made the conscious decision to become parents. That said, I can fully understand people who don’t want to have that responsibility. It can be exhausting and thankless, changing almost everything with your life, hobbies and habits.

    On the other side of the coin, the depth of love you feel as a parent is impossible to describe. With that comes a set of incredible feelings, watching your children experience, learn and grow.

    Basically, parenthood is almost completely thankless, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world.

  • In almost all cases the point is to keep things reversible. The problem is puberty. Once the hormone cascades hit, it’s far harder to transition. At the same time, fully transitioning is not something many children are equipped to cope with.

    Luckily there is a 3rd option. Puberty can be delayed without permanent issues. This gives the patient and doctors time to figure out what to do long term. If they were confused, they stop the drugs, and puberty happens normally. If they truly want to transition, they are in a far better position to change than if they experienced puberty as the “wrong” gender.

    By delaying the changes, it allows time for them to process what they want. It also lets them experience living as the other gender, in a reversible manner.

  • I would suspect it’s low information voters.

    Anyone who pays attention, and isn’t part of his cult, realises how bad trump is. Unfortunately, a lot of voters just don’t pay attention. To them, they seem mud slinging in both directions, and just tune it out.

    A felony conviction is a different beast. It’s not just mud slinging. If he’s been convicted, it’s not just smoke, he’s a bad man!

    There’s a reason that the right pushes the “both sides” mentality. This just managed to cut past the smoke screen that they threw up. Whether it sticks is another story.

  • It very much depends on the task. So long as the tasks don’t overlap, in cognitive requirements, you’re fine. E.g. you can listen to a podcast, while washing up. As soon as the requirements overlap, then your point holds. E.g. I personally can’t write anything down, while listening to an audiobook. The resource requirements overlap.

    It’s also worth noting that different people can do the same task with different parts of the brain. E.g. accurate timekeeping. Some people do it visually, others audibly etc.

  • cynar@lemmy.worldtoChess@lemmy.mlThe Kasparov time loop
    3 months ago

    There might be some complexity in a draw. You might need to get creative at that point. The question is, would he play himself to a draw, or to a win for 1 side.

    It’s a common stage trick though. A single "master plays 11 games of chess at once. He’s actually just playing 1, against the weakest player. All the rest are paired off, and he just transfers their move across.