tl;dr: domestic terrorist
tl;dr: domestic terrorist
I predict an epidemic of California parents being told by their kids that doing the dishes violates labor laws.
He can bite my shiny metal ass.
I don’t care if you commented this twice, I’m upvoting both.
They consider it the cost of doing business. The consequences have to hurt before they’ll do the right thing. Remember in Fight Club when he’s explaining how they decide to do a recall on defective cars? That’s real, it’s not made up for the movie. Cost of doing business.
Absolutely right, if you’re using it to negotiate a pay increase then “on your own time” is semantics, especially since it’s yours to take with you if they won’t pay appropriately for demonstrated skill.
He’s a grifter, he’s not pro-anything. He’ll say what will part people with their money, including things that contradict themselves. Seriously, he’s actually done it, very publicly.
with a decent number of hours
Why do you want to maximize the number of hours of your life that you’re selling cheaply?
Isn’t that retaliation?