Sorry, I bit your head off, I’m just so angry these days, thank you for taking the time to explain it to me
Sorry, I bit your head off, I’m just so angry these days, thank you for taking the time to explain it to me
Bro, fuck off with your bad arguments and ass smelling breath and while you’re at it, take a fucking look at Wikipedia list of common fallacies I’m sure you’ll find a couple on there jackass
Bro, you’re saying we should give racists microphones so they can recruit more racist shit bags, what the fuck are you smoking?
OK lol Bro shut the fuck up, you’ve already made so many wrong assumptions in this giant ass fucking wall of text, do you really just hearing yourself speak, do you mouth the words as you type?
Also they were considering engineering cats whose colors change when exposed to rads
I wish you would have more information literacy before you spout it off, these AI can site their sources and don’t just go off of what people are saying about the person look further down for confirmation or you know do some research on your own.
It can always get much much worse