Google is own my democrats. Only trust orange man.
Google is own my democrats. Only trust orange man.
I don’t think she can.
First was not a well planned attack. It was only a trial to see what would happen if they send a mob to the White House.
It’s the boogeyman. It’s like seeing the temperature rise and blaming the sun or w/e. Putting the blame on the wrong thing. Like sure there should be immigration restrictions of some kind but putting the blame on immigrants is stupid and the people who eat it up the morons.
The businesses are usually right leaning and support this view, yet the have no problem hiring illegal immigrants. They love to hire people at lowest wage.
Here is an image that depicts it.
Deportations is also the wrong solution. People like it, but that’s stupid. People will just come back to the same employer or find someone else. It’s a side effect of capitalism.
You want to fix it, tax the business that hire illegal immigrants. Hell pay these illegal immigrants for ranting out their employeer. I guarantee you will have less illegal immigrants.
Does it bother you, or anyone else, that if he loses, he’d still able to run next time around?
Unlock is the way. Also, sometimes IPS routers use ipv6 and pihole does not support it.
The differential is usually not enough. I mean almost no income is enough to lose sleep time and time again. Just saying.
Anyway. I’m curious, so please share. What do you do exactly and how did you get to L2?
Asking the real questions.
OK you got me there. Lol. I use gnome or derivation of it across all my systems. Ive used others before but in recent years it’s been gnome.
I like to spread out my distros so that I always come out on top. Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, and centos. Some in real systems while others within VMs.
All just to own the libs