There they go, saying the quiet parts out loud again.
Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.
There they go, saying the quiet parts out loud again.
I knew a girl in college that had lost her sense of smell. This was 20 years before covid, so that wouldn’t have been the cause. Maybe this loomer person has no sense of smell.
There’s a certain irony there, no? 🤣
FWIW, I’m referring to the local DNS (domain name system) resolver; the mechanism that resolves local domain names into IP addresses so that computers can talk to each other over the LAN.
Here is a good primer on the configuration files and their possible locations:
Edit: be careful because this is your domain name lookup you’re messing with. 😊
deleted by creator
I’m a bit out of the loop here. Who is Laura Loomer and why is she important?
Tell ya what: the day Elon accepts his trans daughter for who she is will be the day Twitter officially dies and is reborn X. Until then, it’s Twitter.
I have to admit that at first I was concerned that switching candidates so close to the election would hurt the party. Im glad I was wrong.
Just because he said January 6 does not mean he is threatening another insurrection. He never detailed what he meant by “hell to pay”. No one but him knows what he meant by that.
Yet so many people want to jump to conclusions without any actual evidence. This is the crap that republicans do; we are better than that — we have to be, because republicans suck.
Leave the bullshit rhetoric to them, and stick to the facts.
I’m tired of the misinformation and twisting of words.
According to the article the closest Tuber came to a threat was making the comment “…there will be Hell to pay.” His only mention of Jan 6 was him saying that was his first day.
If we’re going to call them out for their stupidity, let’s do it on what they actually say — not on hyperbole.
Obligatory: this is not medical advice. This is merely my personal experiences. In fact, the only thing I will advise anyone on is that if they feel overwhelmed, they seek advice from a licensed therapist.
So I’ve had a similar problem for the past 9 years. For me, I have to come to the conclusion that I’m in a freeze-state of my dysregulated nervous system.
I’m in weekly talk therapy, and have been working on recognizing the things that have been causing me the most stress, and ways I can deal with or mitigate those things.
And that’s been all fine and good, but I still struggle with getting started on actual activity to help deal with my compounding responsibilities. It’s hard, and some days are better than others.
I used a combination of calendars and reminders to help break down and organize my tasks. I give myself grace if I can’t get them all comply when I initially wanted to finish them, and I try to do at least 2 or 3 things a day ( o matter how small).
This sickens me to no end. I’ve been searching for any sort of recourse for judges who do not uphold their oath or follow the rules of being a judge. There doesn’t seem to be any.
Not only that, the so-called rules use l gauge such as “You SHOULD…”, which to me suggests there is wiggle room to not follow the rule. On top of that, there seems to be something called Absolute Immunity (look in the section titled Notable judges involved in misconduct allegations), which is a doctrine made by judges to protect judges.
This is bullshit. How the hell could the judicial system skirt any sort of accountability, but the executive and congressional branches do not? I mean all three branches pretty much get away with everything anyway, but at least there is a slim possibility that the other two can be punished. Not judges though. They are untouchable. No wonder Alito and Thomas are so brazen in their snubbing the “rules”.
I’m fucking disgusted and need to get off the internet for the night.
Hopefully he does, and he and Kamala wear them together and are twinsies.
Of course their reasons weren’t love…
That’s certainly not because women are incompetent cat ladies who aren’t capable of things that only men could do. Not at all.
Hm. Honestly, if you’re not willing to get police involved, the only real option you might have would be to confront the person you suspect. Obviously they may be a danger to others, so you may wish to do it in a very public space where you can put something physical between the two of you (eg a restaurant table).
If it were me, I would maybe take one person (at post) with me if I really felt threatened by this person. But by all means, don’t make it a huge deal or you will spook or freak out this person. Best case scenario is they flee and stop posting and then you won’t know what they’re up to. Worst case is that they flip out and decide to go in their dream rampage.
Short of that, I would also strongly recommend that you and your friends always stay in groups of at least two (maybe three if possible). Maybe pair a friendly guy with a girl (if they are comfortable with that). I suggest that because the stalker probably would be intimidated by the male presence.
All of that aside, go to the police. Even if they are incompetent, you must get this documented as soon as possible.
Under his proposed law, these girls would be guilty of a crime and would be sex offenders for using a bathroom that doesn’t match their birth sex. The fact that it’s in a school makes it “worse”.
Yes, he’s a hypocritical misogynist, and he’s obviously an opportunist who will do and say whatever it takes to appeal to his base — even if it means throwing his wife under the bus with blatant racism. You’ll get no argument from me about that. But this photo is not the smoking gun everyone seems to be making it out to be. There is nothing revolutionary about it at all. It’s not even his photo. He just happens to be in it.
You might say that’s unreasonable, but the unreasonable thing is the law, not the kids.
Get upset for the right reasons. This photo isn’t one of them.
So it’s fine for teenage girls to go into the boys bathroom because “teens will be teens” but it isn’t ok for trans boys to go to boys bathrooms because… why, exactly?
You’re making a lot of assumptions here; correlation does not mean causation. You don’t know of the circumstances behind the photo. You only know that there are girls in a men’s bathroom and Vance happens to be in the photo.
I never said in any way shape or form that it wasn’t okay for transgender people to use their respective bathrooms. I sure as Hell have never defended Vance’s stances. But if you want to go putting words in my mouth because it fits your narrative, you go right ahead. But know this if you do: that makes you no better than them.
Like how are you not seeing the blatant hypocrisy between this action and the rhetoric he spews?
Honestly, if you want to rip on Vance for the things he’s done, it’s probably wise to choose more relevant situations to criticize him for; not some picture from high school that he was a part of simply because the student body president (not him) wanted to make a joke about the patriarchy of the time.
You know what’s always coming but never gets here?