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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m an Aussie in my early-mid 30s. I’ve been living in the USA for the past 11 years. I’ve been a software developer, mostly focusing on web development, since the late 90s personally and since the mid 2000s professionally.

    so your birth year would be somewhere between 1987 to 1993; you started professional web development when you were 14 to 20 years old? you moved to the us somewhere between 20 and 26 years old?

    i didn’t even start dating until i was 27 and my career at 26 while my first website was at 16 years old and i never truly left the country; you’re either very impressive or lucky af! i envy you! ;)

  • … every trans person, every immigrant … anyone who isn’t a white, cishet, Christian man is at risk of violence or death.

    this rings so hollow because i lived as a target of biden’s votes & support of laws against lgbt people for decades and biden opportunistically switched sides LONG after public opinion changed and he is still literally imprisoning immigrants fleeing persecution like the person who i built a life with before he got deported also because of biden’s votes.

    it sucked trying to make a life during that time and it’ll suck again under trump, but i’ll still be alive to try; which is much better than the people in gaza will get either way.

  • all the downvotes this comment is getting is making me wonder if all or most of the genocides in the past were allowed to happen because it was politically easier to ignore them during their time for some other higher priority goal.

    if that’s true, it speaks volumes that we no longer remember what that other goal is but continue to perpetuate genocides while simultaneously abhorring it and that it feels a lot like other bizarre social practices like war or prejudices were we also perpetuate them while also simultaneously abhor them.

  • America certainly wasn’t over it before the Civil Rights Act; before that, we were an apartheid state.

    i think it’s fascinating that we’re going back in that direction. Texas, for example, has a majority non-white and democrat registered state per the last census; but neither group are represented proportionally in the state’s government.

    and i think the bigger indictment of our system is that there are are MANY “get out and vote” initiatives/groups to help increase voting (especially in texas and georgia); but they all seem to pretend that gerrymandering and voter suppression are either not a thing or not definitive enough to take action even though the last census confirmed (and previous censuses suggested) that it this trend of lack of representation for non-white/democrats is increasing.