The aqara endpoints I have are solid. But one aqara mains powered relay is causing delays with an aqara door sensor when connected to it. Aqara implemented some strange stuff in some of their zigbee devices
The aqara endpoints I have are solid. But one aqara mains powered relay is causing delays with an aqara door sensor when connected to it. Aqara implemented some strange stuff in some of their zigbee devices
The guide on the official website has a few recommendations for network zigbee coordinators as well: I cannot recommend any as I am using a USB coordinator. But you can also jump on the official Zigbee2Mqtt discord and ask for recommendations there, you can find it linked under support on the website.
I recommend you join that discord as there might be issues that come up and there are a few people on the server that could help you with the troubleshooting.
One thing you have to keep in mind is that you can’t place the zigbee coordinator near other 2.4GHz networks like wifi APs/extenders, bluetooth adapters or microwaves. Well, you can, but you will run into many issues.
If you do decide on the sonoff stick make sure you get the P version, not the E version as the later is under experimental support and better for ZHA. You can also have a look at the other zigbee recommended adapters for Zigbee2mqtt:
Zigbee devices are already cloudless local devices, you don’t have to flash them unless there are alternative firmwares that add functionality you desire.
They also need a coordinator to comunicate with HA. You can get a zigbee stick, depending on how you plan on integrating these devices there are some chipsets you should look for. If you want the easy route go for ZHA and maybe the skyconnect stick, otherwise you can go with zigbee2mqtt route which supports more devices and is more customizable and look at their list of recommended coordinators.
Most mains powered zigbee devices act as router and extend the newtork, not all of them do and not all that do are good at it. Some manufacturers use custom implementations of zigbee like Aqara which can cause issues.
I use zigbee2mqtt with a sonoff P stick and I am happy with it, it’s not as plug&play as ZHA, but it’s easy to add support to new devices if they are not already supported.
A relay will do what a relay does, turn on and off. No matter what software you put on the smart plug, it can’t really become too dangerous. Unreliable maybe, but most of these smart plugs are just that, a dumb relay controlled via a microcontroller
I have both eternity and infinity installed from f-droid and each opens up fine. Tho inifnity no longer wroks, guess it’s time to uninstall it
You should give eternity a try. It is using the infinity UI which worked pretty well on my tablet. You have to add a custom repository to f-droid or use obtainium to install it
If you go the zigbee route I recommend this one, works well and supports direct binding too:
Stay away from the Moes, takes like 1.5sec to get to full brightness when turning on and you can’t get rid of the delay.
If you are fine with relays as well look into Nous modules, I got a dual channel relay module from them that works very well, also supports direct binding. They might have dimmers too, but I haven’t used them myself.
All these require neutral though, can’t speak of their non-neutral versions.