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Joined 10 days ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2025


  • Sure but let’s talk about realistic solutions though. Ideally all public servants would have to pass a civic test as well as a physical and mental acuity tests. That would eliminate people like mtg and trump from ever holding office (because ya know you gotta be at least literate to pass a test). However there is no precedent for what you’re proposing. It would require agreement on testing requirements, some independent agency to do said testing, a protocol for updating test content and most importantly trusting that the legislators will trust scientists and educators on what these tests should be. Current government would never do any of those things and at least there is a precedent for age limits. Yes in a perfect world it would be some form of test but in the real world we gotta look for solutions that might actually happen. Top end age restrictions have a precedent and would drastically improve the state of our governing body.

    Note: yes I understand that a 40-some year old mtg is magnitudes worse than even Bernie’s corpse at governing, that’s undeniable.

  • Sure but age limits are in place in a million different institutions. If it’s not ageism that you can’t run for office when you’re 16 then it’s not ageism when you have an age limit for representatives. My point is representatives should represent the general population and should be able to at least understand the issues of the current age. Meanwhile the aging congress struggles with basic internet understanding so we don’t have regulations that should have been standard since the fucking 90s. It’s 2025 a person who can’t comprehend internet basics like email encryption has 0 chance of making an informed choice on crypto currency or government backdoors and their implications.

  • That you had a bad take and got flamed then continued to defend it while adding a ton of emojis? I don’t think anyone here is mad, kinda sad that you’d double down on a shit take that indicates you’re either young or extremely naive.

    I guess now I know im just talking to a troll from a troll quarantine zone though. Enjoy your basement and late night depression wank. I’m sure you’ll solve it by talking out of your ass more on the internet. You want to be a Collin Robinson and drain energy from everyone but you just end up looking like a sad dweeb and embarrassing yourself