Fuck the right and left wing nutjobs.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024


  • co-existence is accepting the facts that 1 entity has a right to exist just as any other and you do not arbitrary decide how far back in time to determine who stole whose home.

    next, israeli settlers illegally settling in land that does not belong to them is a problem that needs solving,this has been made very clear,your magnification of the violence doesn’t negate that fact other than pushing your bias narratives.

    hamas never stopped declaring their aim to wipe israel from existence, despite their renewed charter.the fancy words they used serve nothing but to hoodwink the less sophisticated.

    if your logic prevails,then prc,timor leste,previous soviet states or even america has no right to exist because they stole,occupy and settled in lands that does not belong to them and the original inhabitants should wage terror attacks on the populance because,you know,these people are stealing lands of their great grand father or however far back in time these terrorists chose.

    it’s sad that you have, on multiple times, try to push your bias agenda and narratives and each time you are only serving to highlight your bias.

  • still trying to villify israel i see.

    fatah seems to be doing ok after accepting the fact that israel and palestine can co-exist. hamas o. the other hand wanted 1967 borders whithout recognizing israel and wants jurusalem as its capital. 1967 borders, israel can compromise, if land swaps and national security are addressed. Jurusalem as Palestine’s capital per hamas?? yes no fucking way and hamas knows that for sure.

    if israel wanted more lands,they will never have left gaza nor west bank. the settlers problem has been a thorny issues amongst the radical jewish population,its hasn’t gone unnoticed and we all know that needs addressing.

    dude you trying so hard to villify israel isn’t helping your credibility and you are beginning to sound like those hamas propagandist/apologist on overdrive.

  • Israel’s actions has been a response to hamas’ for Oct 7th attack. Justified??? i am sure it was and still is,given what they (hamas) did. there is no argument on this on this specificity. were there instances where israel isn’t justified?? petty sure there is. it’s not a blanket statement to say israel is completely justified in everything they do.

    you mentioned the continued apartheid/occupation as the source of the violence, so end the occupation and accept the 2 state solution, not that hard for hamas.

    this isn’t a competition to see who has committed more crimes against whose population, they are crimes and those responsible should be held accountable.

    you trying to villify israel and downplaying/apologising for hamas atrocities. i am not sure why you chose to be a hamas apologist,it certainly isn’t helping the palestinians in anyway.

  • still trying the white wash hamas i see.

    understanding the reason for the violence does not equate to justification. that is what you’re trying to do since the beginning, conflating the reason for the violence as justification.

    no amount of justification is enough for hamas to commit terrorist attacks on innocent people. you can try to villify israel as much as you like,i’d prefer the eradication of hamas and we can discuss who in israel should be held accountable for the war crimes.

  • it would be naive to think hamas can end apartheid alone but hamas can stop giving israel any form of justification by surrendering,we can start there.

    your links this far has been an attempt to justify hamas,obfuscate hamas with palestinians and painting hamas as a victim of circumstance. most articles provided has been down playing hamas terrorism and somehow israel is fully responsible for the plight in gaza and west bank today,never mind the fact that hamas played a central role in it as well.

    you seem to think Israel should observe the laws and regulations imposed by the international community but you forget a terrorist group like hamas actually spit on those laws and regulations,acting with impunity because they have god on their side.

    lest you forget,in israel,people accused of war crimes can be charged under the laws of israel,hamas on the other hand have no such laws.

    believe what you want of hamas,i for 1 support the full eradication of terrorists,they do not deserve any reprieve.

  • you are right that israel can end hostilities right now if they want to,the same goes to hamas.

    the onus here seems to be placed on Israel since they are the ones with superior firepower,as if hamas couldn’t end the hostilities by surrendering.

    Bear in mind,hamas has always resorted to terrorist attacks whenever they felt like it,had israel agreed to stop all the aggressions,it will just give hamas breathing space to reorganize and begin another round of Oct 7th terror attack.

    hamas handed israel the reason for all these violence on a silver platter and israel is not going let it go that easily.if you want me to condemn israel and hold them accountable, i for one agree with you…AFTER hamas is wiped out.

    it’s not genocide to want hamas wiped out,unless you are conflating hamas as palestinians.

  • don’t white wash hamas atrocities as if they are justified or faultless.

    hamas is just as guilty as the hardline israelis,none of them are the heroes they themselves believed to be.you certainly aren’t changing my mind concerning the terrorists that is hamas,no matter how hard you try to paint hamas as the anti-hero.

    hamas should be wiped out,the sooner the better so that palestinians can move forward,else this apartheid will never end.

  • we have an consensus,those who are responsible for the war crime needs to be tried and palestinians have a right to exist as israel.

    what i can see however,hamas is still hell bent on genocide and have publicity announced they will repeat the Oct 7th attacks until israel is no more,a stark contrast to their revised charter.

    you can defend hamas all you want,you can claim they want peace but what their actions says,is a lot louder than what their charter does.

  • you are aware,despite their charter saying what is it they represent and do,the reality is they do what they have always wanted,genocide,from the river to the sea,even that statement remains in their 2017 revised charter.

    i had to go read through your links,while some does provide insights to the conflict, i get the nagging feeling here you are trying to villify israel while painting hamas as a victim of circumstances. this is a typical propaganda tactic employed by…hamas and their supporters (surprising,i know).

    if you find israel’s punishment of innocent palestians for hama’s actions indiscriminate,maybe trying calling out hamas for their indiscriminate terror attacks on israel.

    an eye for an eye makes the world go blind,israel isn’t the good guys here and neither is hamas.