Interests: News, Finance, Computer, Science, Tech, and Living

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Just FYI. By 4th Turning I mean the book. A couple of decades ago there was a book that takes about patterns in US history. The 4th Turning was about 2020 time frame if you followed the book. A turning from the books thesis is a time of political and social unrest. Weakening institutions. Usually a major war. We see signs of this all around us.

    Edit: Feels very pre world war 2 too. America retreating into isolationism. Russia planning to expand. Lot of similarities.

  • Frankly do not agree with your assessment especially about Ukraine. Russia still retains maximal aims. Ukraine still retains the ability to militarily defeat Russia but the west has been a day late and a dollar short. Manpower. That is a Ukranian political decision. Ukrainian losses have been not that large compared to their population. Similar in ratio to Russian losses to their population.

    Gaza is harder. No good solution. The residents of Gaza choose this by choosing Hamas as their government and starting a war with Israel. Iran is similarly responsible.

    Edit: The amount of money the US has put into either conflicts is minimal, had been spend largely in the US, and has no relation to social funding.

  • I have published in peer reviewed journals and done a few reviews myself. It is not a perfect system. There are generally only a few reviewers. Typically others that have published in the journal in that area. The goal is not to check the work deeply and the tilt is to allowing and also trusting the authors. The other thing that shocked me, the authors generally pay quite a lot of money by the page to publish articles. Also not every journal is the same. Some hard to publish in and others easy. Some nonprofit and others profit making entities. The rush to publication and the publish or perish situation in science creates its own issues too.

    This is not that much a failure of science in that it was discovered pretty quickly and presumably a retraction has been made. It is comical.

    I would add that the patent system has similar issues. It is far from perfect too. Invalidating a patent is a lot more time consuming and costly and a lot less funny.

  • Over stating. She supports a national consensus on abortion whatever that turns out to be. Civil War… that is just pandering. Do I agree with her on all things, no.

    Keep in mind that national security and rule of law are now the only issues that matter. Everything else is just arranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Politics is the art of the possible.

    Edit: Younger candidates that are not age impaired is important too.

  • As an actual point. I will probably vote for Nikki Haley and I can because I am in am open primary state. Each state has different rules. Some you have to belong to her party, some you just have to not belong to any other party, others party affiliation does not matter. Some states do not have primaries but use the caucus process. It is all over the map.

    Edit: If Haley makes it to the general election and Biden is the other candidate, I may well vote for Haley. It would be a hard choice but I am fine with both but for different reasons. My view … the best thing a voter can do at the moment is vote on the republican ticket for Haley even if you have to change party to do it. Most people will not though… either to lazy, to uninformed, to unengaged, or too sickened by the prospect.

  • Same here. I am a US citizen.

    I even have people in my family that voted for this guy and may again.

    The options we have are limited. Biden who is really too old. Trump who is too old not qualified and self serving. Nikki Haley who probably cannot get nominated.

    Edit: Most people want Biden and Trump to not be running but we will probably be stuck choosing between these two. In the primaries I will not vote for either. In the general election I will never vote for Trump.