Freedom is a synthetic enterprise, not a natural gift

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2020


  • What methods did you use to learn during those 3 years? What were your learning (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc)? Did you manage to retain some of the knowledge acquired during those years? Honestly you picked a hard language to learn, 3 years learning Spanish without some proper teacher is not that much to be honest, I’ve been learning German for that amount by myself and I’m not even close to being that good honestly, so don’t feel bad about it.

  • From this thread:

    I would consider National Bolshevism as more of a right wing ideology since it is not internationalist as opposed to Marxism Leninism (where there in fact exists nationalism, for example Ho Chi Minh was one, but it is combined with internationalism). National Anarchism is simply one of the stupidest things it could exist, since anarchism is a proponent of a stateless society therefore it is contradictory to its roots; it can be considered as much anarchist as Anarcho Capitalism.

    Basically, Marxism Leninism can be nationalist and left wing at the same time.