That picture of the baby girl from Motaz’s IG.

Lemmy sucks

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • These people are insane lmao. Stein is the choice? and it’s up to the voters to make it right?, shouted from right here from Lemmy - the famous public square of the internet, no less.

    I really appreciate the content they post most of the time but there are better candidates out there who have more skin in the game and aren’t Russian cutouts like fucking Jill Stein. Then again, someone posted a young Turks video in which Uygur makes the same argument criticizing Biden for his failures at the debate and it instantly caught like 15 down votes. Lemmy is fake as fuck.

  • There are no 1775 democrats. Every single 1775er is a Republican. That’s a wrap right there but I’m gonna keep going because then it sounds like I’m avoiding the rest of your points.

    Republicans have been stonewalling Congress since 2010. Both parties have issues with partisanship and gatekeeping but you’re confusing 3 points all together at once. 1) conflating effective governance within the limits of a bicameral legislature, designed to advance only through compromise, with hypocrisy. 2) trying to lie about republicans somehow having more integrity than Democrats 3) telling yet another lie implying that Democratic legislation is anywhere near as conservative as what republicans put out and bonus point number 4) pretending democrats have contributed to the advancement of neo fascism by playing hide the sausage with the term “conservative” in the same way or at the same level as Republicans have.

    The argument that Republicans are honest about who they are is itself a Republican talking point. Look at how they flip flopped on matters of law and order as soon as Trump got convicted. Stop letting yourself be deceived. If you’re a leftist who hates Democrats more than Republicans you sound like what would have been considered a useful idiot by the Soviet Union, cutting off your leg to spite your face.