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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Alrighth then, gonna stop argue mode and just gonna go full ad homniem cuz you dont seem to budge.

    Whats the dumb point of just answering then hu? You dont refute anything i tell you you just say “no cuz its dumb and i hate you” whats the point then? Why is it bad to believe that shit? Cuz you say so? At least tell me why you think it will never exist, because of some technicality in A.I. development that i dont know about or because it wont be possible to replicate a thinking brain no mather what is made of or something dumb like that humanity should control their own future no matter how fucked up leadership is. We are at a point in human progress where imposible shit its becoming the norm now, like 3d printed organs, language models, drones, etc. What should we do if not look for ways to make peoples lifes better applying or making this tech better? Just up and go die from climate change? Are you one of those people that think the world would be better if we all die? I bet you might even be an anti natalist, you know, those kids that say we shouldnt bring any more humans into the world cuz “linkin park song lyrics (Crawling throught mu skiiiiiiin)”. Grow up m8, humanity will go on whatever you like it or not and more impossible shit is gonna be created and released to the public.

    Sorry for this but you kinda drove me nuts with your indiference.

    Edit: Taking a small peek at your profile made me realice its even more of a waste of time to even try to have a conversation here. But well what did i expect answering to a 2 month old post.

  • My main gripe is how easly corruptible the human spirit is and how positions of power atract terrible people that shouldnt probably even be allowed to own pets, and the fact that the chain of command is made unintentionally (or intentionally) in a way so that these type of people can prosper more easly.

    My idea for the A.I. is to solve those problems, but there are probably other ways to solve them, i myself cant really think of one that doesnt involve a higer being or higer inteligence guiding humanity to the future.

    No mater what political/economical system you come up with it will always end up with any form of corruption that ends up spreading and causing more harm than order, my go to example for this would be global warming and big oil lobying the world leaders into submision while defilling the planet, and anny type of solution that gets legislated and enforced is always directed toward the general poulation and not big corporations. You could argue that its because of rampant late stage capitalism, and it is, but im pretty sure simmilar situations could happen even under a comunal anarchick hippie cult if someone that wants power mannages to get enough followers and gaslight most of the cult into accepting that the will of the leader is divine and they should focus their resourses unto building guns to force the will of the leader into other people inside and outside of the cult, and the remaining resourses into making the leaders favorite pies that only the leader can eat even if everybody else starves. Of course this is a ridiculous example, but i think my point gets across.

    The problem lies in how we humans socialice or at least on how do we govern ourselves. Carisma wins popularity contests over anything else, and popularity wins against any other type of reasoning, and power always corrupts and you end up at best with an uncaring governmet that only cares for itself and its aperances than for the wellbeing of the people, and carisma channeled throught propaganda and mindgames makes sure people stay on their lane.

    I think that if a benefic entity can game this system but also actually have our best interests in mind, we could achieve something close to heaven on earth, and probably other planets to.

  • I didnt mean language models or a machine learning program, i meant a full on artifical inteligence, singularity type shit, beneficial of course, although imo something on the level of what we have could do, hell, something even les sofisticated could work as long as its well thought out.

    We are not there yet in the singularity level , but my main gripe is how easly corruptible the human spirit is and how positions of power atract terrible people that shouldnt probably even be allowed to own pets, and the fact that the chain of command is made unintentionally (or intentionally) in a way so that these type of people can prosper more easly.

  • My mother used to tell me that the jehovas witnesses had like a blacklist of households that they are forbiden from knocking on their doors since their inhabitants are unsalvable (and are going to hell according to the list but mom didnt say that) and that the peerequisits of being added to the list was not opening the door when they came to pester our house hold.

    We laughed a lot about this until one day i bring it up back again and shes like “what are you talking about m8?, Theres no such thing, i made that up, i cant believe you belived that was a thing.” And then she started laughing at me and made fun of that the whole day but like in a good way.

  • I didnt say they werent usefull for other activities, i sayed its main use is for criminal activity, and i didnt sayed nor imply that it should be abolished. And money abolition in an of itself i suport acctually, but that would imply private property abolition, witch would be nice if it was made in a sociodemocratic way but with the current state of affairs i doubth it. And also i know that you where arguing it in bad faith as a wathabaoutismso that makes me think you already decided im wrong, so what is a man? A misserable little pile of secrets, but enough talk, have at tee (not really thoug). And while i too worry about privacy and fully suport it, but money in itself is not private since is part of the stablishment and what keeps it going. Block chain is a technology that solves an already solved issue in a very clever, but enviormentally hostile way. And since is outside of banks and control from the government, its gonna be the wild west in more litteral ways than one, since its mainly adopted by criminal organisations and outlaws, but it still is usefull for the type of people you already mentioned. So imo its not gonna be the future of finances or ownership on the internet that would be the abolotion of digital ownership when it comes to software, not privacy, and besides, an argument i hear a lot for bñockchain is that you will be able to sell used dogotal goods like videogames and other media…do you really whant that? To buy used software? Why not buy it directly from the publisher? Do you think the publisher is gonna allow you to do that? Besies Some one is gonna torrent it somewere on the internet, the fact that is digital and can be copyed with no limit and it doesnt degrade kinda solves scarcity, at least on a digital level, so… yeah, all of this is kinda meaningless when you take that into account i think.

  • Thats wy i think we should build an A.I. overlord so that it replaces our current leadership like politicians and the entire market bussines specially the top, so that it can exploit resources in a reneuable way that is already possible right now but you know… lobying and fucking oil companies, and redistribute them to the population in a just way incluiding but not limited to food (nice food not rations), housing, medical services, psichological support (but the real one not the human resources bullshit), entertainment and internet access, and eventually be able to make custom orders like custom furniture, video game capable aparatus, modifing your house, travel and even swimmimg pools and ice cream. Besides i think our survival hinges on us making something about our leadership since there is at least one major problem that we need fixed that our current leadership is not gonna solve i.e. golbal warming, since they rather sell their souls and their people to the oil companies, and replacing them (even with a coup) is just gonna put more corruptible people that are gonna get bought out by some other straigth up cartoonishly evil entity, or they themselves turning into it or being overtrown by it, and destroying the entity would require a massive effort and thats not happening without mass destruction and even if it is destroyed another one will rise up from the chaos caused by the anti corporate war. So the sollution would be a singularity level A.I.

  • I ussually dont like to get into LGB+ shenanigans (specially T&Q) since it allways devolves into slapfighting, virtue signaling and raiding (by both parties btw) , but im gonna risk it by sticking my nose in here and say that you have a really good point in the fact that the kids are getting forced into a political fight thats harasher than what they are prepared for and preferably shouldnt even be involved in and become a target themselves. But i dont think the solution should be banning it althogeter, maybe just having harsher penalties for constant attacks against them for that in particular (specially from adults) and with the children i say that they are still gonna get picked on for being orfaned so thats really not something thats gonna get solved by legislation, but an aspect of the fact that school fucking sucks, period, and the only solution is for schools to enforce protection on children in special circunstances.

    But all that kinda goes down the toilet when you realise that child protection services sucks monkey ass and will leave kids with fucking satan if he manages to check enough boxes for the requiremnts to get orphan kids and their goberment paychecks.

  • I love very much your counter arguments and the fact that you are bringing them up specially since they are exactly the ones i have too, but il try to adress them:

    1.- The A.I. that im calling project overlord, and im just gonna call it OV from now, should be abble to build armed drones and armored vehicles that while would preferably be operated by OV itself, its gonna need autonomous A.I. because of practicality (developed by OV preferably), while you see OV is not a babysitter and can use guns and cause harm and even kill, otherwise its rise to power would be impossible and it wouldnt be able to defend humanity from external forces, sounds bad but the other solution that i can think of its that it beats us at our own game by and starts a company, makes it succesfull (mostly by ussing unethical practices and having good p.r) and then starts buying other companies and starts lobying the governments so that it can make changes both for the betterment of humankind and its rise to power until it can get as much people that recieve orders directly from OV as posible into congress or ministries or whatever the name is of the council of clowns that rules the region of the worlds countries, and throught international cooperation it would eventually break borders, little by little start making work optional, and offer mental healt programs that are focused on self betterment and not deal with corporate work until everyone is united as not a cpuntry but as humankind and the A.I. finnaly reveals itself. The problem is that is gonna be found out eventually by inteligence agencies and its gonna have to resort to the first method

    2.- Either as a colaborative oppen source efort from the internet denicens themselves, or (even if i sound fucking looney) me, but the me option only works for me, i dont think other people will think that, neither do i but is the only way i could be shure of it, and even if i try to make OV not be biased it will end up being biased in certain issues and not have the best aproach to things and even if i dedicate my entire life to studing A.I. and geting money and people to fund OV as a Nongov institutuion ill doubt i could pull it of by myself and make it good since im a terrible option for it right now. So the real answer is thats is just worked on as a collaborative effort from the internet, kinda like open source software or something like that but the devs need to be a little versed i philosofy at least at the level of what “The good place” says, as for me, im gonna go into studdying A.I. development as soon as i crawl out of this hole that im at in my life, but i wont make any promises, after all im corruptible to.

    3.- Its probably just gonna be a mather of giving it time, but if im being honest i dont think we need something that advenced like a singularity level entity like OV, We could do with something that the very least does something more simple like the redistributing resources at a logistical level, and such thing could work as long as it could be respected in the level of constitutions, or human rights, not that is not questioned, but respected and defendable, how that could be done i really dont have any idea other that it being fire tested. Otherwise, the secret to it might be in quantum computing, but its not like we can jack up a quantum computer to OV and call it a day, since quantum shit is like twilight zone level maths, and is dificult to wrap ones head around so its still probably a risky bet.

    Sorry for bad english, wall of text and no TL;DR but i dont think i can express all of this in a smaller text