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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2023

  • Yeah. I know why beehaw defederated and is inevitably leaving and I understand why they dont want to deal with the usual crap, but I feel like early on when it was one of the bigger instances there was a bit more influence on tone and when they abandoned ship it just lead to the .world and other instances to stew in their own nasty juices.

    But yeah I left most of the reddit front page literally more than a decade ago and as reddit exploded a few years ago it got substantially worse. Occasional forays into them are exhausting. Unfortunately the civil people already dugg into the depths of smaller more civil reddit are already in a happy place and the ones who left for greener pastures are clearly those kinds of internet guys. Downvote innocuous comments, go on the attack when discussing things that arent that serious, act smug and superior, and of course just generally be abrasive and nasty.

  • I dont know if its because I originally just had a beehaw account before migrating to check out some other instances so maybe it was always this way and I was shielded by the de-federating, but holy cow are there a bunch of abrasive sniveling dorks in a lot of discussions. All the while bragging about how much smarter they are than those who left reddit, and yet when I check my old niche reddit subs it’s quite a bit more civil.

  • One of the issues I have with non alcoholic products is that because they are meant to be a drop in replacement for alcoholic they wind up being comparable in price sometimes even more expensive.

    For what is effectively a softdrink you wind up paying almost 14-$20 a 6pack and a mocktail at a bar can cost $10+ a cup. Compared to something like soda, flavored seltzers, or a malty brewed softdrink like malta the prices are so high. You can get 12-24 packs for what theyre asking. Some mocktails actually take quite a lot of effort to put together to justify the pricetag, but most Ive seen in the wild tend to be simple to make and in terms of labor not much more than a late or milkshake despite being priced way above them.

    That said there’s nothing wrong with giving people more options to drink while out and about and if you do enjoy the taste of beer to be able to enjoy it without having to get buzzed(even if for some even a mild kick is part of the point)

  • Yeah before the reddit migration the top instances were lemmygrad and a far more stalinist friendly lemmy.ml . Beehaw was also there but beehaw didnt have open registration and the process also became bugged out around the time the expansion happened so people would write their application to join and get no notifications or anything that they were in. Also beehaw manually reviewed the accounts at the time so it was a slow process.

    Other large instances also didnt want to become the largest one while .world wanted to grow at all costs. With open registration and didnt even require emails at first(which honestly reddit didnt either for a while, but reddit had better mod tools for its time)

  • I mean theyre trying to keep a chill and civl environment and the mods are volunteers who got tired of having to put up with a disproportionately large amount of comments from very specific instances. Since the mod tools they need in order to better handle this influx wasnt there they took the nuclear option. Something which they did not do lightly.

    You can check out: https://beehaw.org/instances

    and see they blocked a lot, but most of what they blocked was trash and they are federated with way more instances.

    They do plan on leaving though. They predate the reddit bump by more than a year and they only wanted to be a smaller online community and not a reddit replacement and they havent been able to get the tools they need patched into lemmy.

  • This isnt really true about beehaw though. Their mods actually have really good heads on their shoulders when it comes to policy and enforcement.

    Their goal is to protect the general vibe of the place and their prime rule beyond of course not being a bigot is to “Be(e) Nice”. Discussions are meant to be had in good faith and if someone is say spready hate speech and someone tells them to fuck off the mod will likely bad(and depending on what they said delete) the hater and probably do nothing to the person who told them to fuck off.

    They will go after people who are arguing in bad faith, trolls, people who are being too aggro for no reason, and of course people getting into a fight who need to cool it.

    Their more simplified ruleset is to combat what is often seen when you have the more reddit style strict rules. Where you wind up with users knowing just how to be a dickhead without actually breaking the rules and ruin the place. If a mod bans or deletes a post when the person isnt breaking a rule but stinking up the subreddit then the user causes drama towards the “abusive mod”. So the mods then put in more and more rules until the subreddit becomes bland or hostile towards posters. In this example if someone posts hate speech and someone calmly just tells them to fuck off then both posters will have to be penalized for breaking rules.

    The beehaw system allows for discretion. Ive also seen admins and mods on that site try and talk things out with posters who are causing a stink and giving them a good faith opportunity before showing them the door.