Idk, I think 48 seconds is pretty accurate. She called out climate change denial, he denied his denial (insert rant about how terrible solar is, ending with “I love solar”)
“Most states” lol
It’s half funny and half fucked that you took the bait and repeated all the right wing talking points
“Just pay for an ID and then go through the extra steps at the polls when your vote gets challenged!”
Non-Americans are ignorant of our system and show their naïveté when they try to comment on it
I believe that includes discussing her fitness as well. They both went after each other on those issues, although I’d imagine like 3/4ths was about Trump’s fitness
Climate change 00:48
In other words, better than 00:00!
Whoa. You guys get replies when you email DAs of the biggest cities in the USA?
So you read the pieces that challenge what I believe, but how about the sources that validate my opinion? Let’s ignore all the other evidence and focus on that
Just gonna leave this here:
The current president, David Bossie… served in executive positions for President Donald Trump’s and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection campaigns.
What law are you referring to?
Of course! What else does she share with Putin, telepathy? I’m sure he wants notes
Not sure that’s true. At least in my experience, a lot of our docs do research funded by pharmaceutical companies
Interesting. As the article notes, Shepard Fairey was very public about his disappointment with Obama. I guess, unlike many people on Lemmy, he realizes how this is a fight to save our democracy and accelerationism doesn’t work.
Lord, I was born a rambling Trump
Edit: had a much better one
My favorite part of this article is the incorrect photo caption that labels him “Donald J Harris, daughter of the US vice president and Democratic presidential candidate”
AP3 members patrolled city streets with AR-15-style rifles and baseball bats during Black Lives Matters protests. They practiced attacking dummies with knives. But they also taught each other how to save money on groceries through gardening and organized seminars where they wrote reports on each Constitutional amendment.
That’s quite a picture
I don’t think we should be shaming Black people who go into LE. It’s probably one of the only ways we’ll see real change. People tend to be less racist when they interact with people of other races
This guy kills Bills
Don’t joke about autoerotic asphyxiation. It’s claimed some greats
I believe you meant ¿por que no los dos?
Idk how that’s “too” progressive? It doesn’t even really make that much sense imo.
If there’s one idea that isn’t terrible, it’s a lower corporate tax rate for those who have domestic production, but that’s incredibly complicated to implement and would vary wildly by industry.