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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I feel like some people may be mentally damaged or simply lack critical thinking skills. Business is business and this entity obviously already has no qualms doing business with dumpy.

    You get a bond like this contingent on other assets existing plus a fee. He owns real estate. This arrangement lets you leverage the equity in that real estate for a fee while someone else’s cash on hand is used. Let’s be realistic too, there’s next to no way he’s going to pay the full damages because most sane people wouldn’t think any amount of defamation is worth $83m+

    Let’s pretend worse case scenario happens for dumpy and the 83m judgment is sustained and he exhausts all appeals and has to pay all parties for all damages based on all current lawsuits against him… unless he declares bankruptcy and truly loses it all - a thing that seems to have no hope of ever happening given none of the suits are for more money than he controls in assets… it’s all but guaranteed a signed contract will be enforceable should dumpy choose to not pay.

    Ultimately it’s a secured debt. We’ll never know what the terms were from chubb corp.

  • I wish someone in the audience had the balls to ask, “when you say Republicans, are you talking about liberals or conservatives?”

    Even if you got them to ask this, they’d immediately get defensive because liberal is a bad word to them simply because it means having something in common with the opposition party to them. The true meaning is lost once you get into a public political context today. Just more manipulation of language to suit keeping public opinion of their voters being on their side after consultants or analysts figure out what engages people the most.

    Also after reading about this guy on wikipedia, he seems like a real piece of work. Not too surprising since you’re required to master doublespeak in all political and leadership roles to be successful today.

  • “because in those days we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans.”

    This room full of women was quiet as he spoke, though a faint “That’s right” could be heard when Robinson later said Republicans ended Jim Crow laws.

    There’s a non-outrage-inducing non-headline grabbing logic here that is him saying he wishes republicans were more liberal

    It’s very different from saying “I don’t think women should be allowed to vote”

    If the masses can’t distinguish between these two concepts (they certainly cannot) then it is what it is. Pillory the guy, I don’t give an F, I wouldn’t have voted a republican in to a leadership position anyway due to the party’s policies and issues that are systemic.

  • Her existence is to try to keep moderate conservative voters from flipping sides, and as insurance in case the supreme court sides against trump. The pardon is for the extreme side as a consolation prize if the SC rules against him.

    When the supreme court rules in his favor and the risk of him going to jail is 0, she’ll support him and hope that the last minute endorsement will put the presidency on the regressive side. She’s not any better than him, nor was she ever. They’re cut from the same cloth, they’re just pandering to two sides of the same party.

  • They just want to make sure that the law banning abortion is so layered that removing it will be nearly impossible. The ones in power cheering this on can travel wherever they want to take care of whatever they need so it’s not a law that applies to them.

    The amount of energy wasted on this topic to distract us from all the other practical ways they fuck us is astounding. We should be talking about healthcare reform. We should be calling for major reform / bans on PAC money. We should be reversing things like sales taxes in favor of wealth taxes. We should be enshrining more labor rights in the fucking constitution.

    Nope, let’s all just focus on abortion and IVF. Problems that truly will never exist for the affluent (read: politically powerful or influential)

  • Ah yes, the nazi wants to build concentration camps to murder the brown people. This is in line with his platform.

    The irony with this is that the vulnerable people crossing the border would otherwise pick up low wage manufacturing and menial labor jobs that create wealth for the nation and farmers, but it seems that republicans are banking on poor white babies to grow up and accept those jobs in 14 years and be good republican voters. I don’t see the pendulum swinging so hard to the right that the strategy would ever work.