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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • What frightens me about all of that is how many people don’t see through that bullshit. It’s so extremely obvious how full of shit these demagogues are, but millions of people applaud for that.

    Here in Germany we had state elections. On the “anniversary” of the invasion of Poland ⅓ voted for an openly right-wing extremist party, and 10-15% for a party that basically claims to combine the national with the social, both parties are supported by Russia. It’s insane.

  • I wouldn’t even call it that. It’s a weird lack of a sense of scale combined with organizational hurdles.

    They basically can’t estimate, how much resources a proper app would need and they don’t know how to manage teams to work on a common codebase. So they simply draw a diagram of the functionalities, spin out each block as a “Service”, assign that to a team and call it a day.

    I’ve talked to several of them about this and I had to do very simple math directly in front of them to convince them. I’ve had to explain to a grown man, an experienced engineer, that 16 cores and 96gb memory are more than enough to handle a million simple inserts per day in a batch mode. He wanted to split the job into 4 services, each essentially running 10 lines of actual business logic, each using the resources mentioned above. Absolute madness.

  • It’s a cult and works on similar mechanics.

    There’s a radicalization pipeline, where you slowly start with relatively small untruths, and over time it gets worse and worse. The farther you go, the harder it gets to admit to yourself that it’s all a lie. So they keep lying to themselves.

    But these guys are just the paladins of incompetence, they are the multipliers. The vast mass of voters don’t believe everything, but they are consistently bombarded with shit. And some of it sticks, some narrative works on them, and they believe that.