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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • Focus groups aren’t meant to be used for gaining an understanding of a broad swath of the population. Focus groups are used for exploratory research, concept testing, and understanding the “why” behind opinions and behaviors.

    If you want to generalize trends towards large populations, you’re going to need a large sample size. It’s statistics that suggests that many respondents will leave you with extremely low confidence in the outcome.

    For example, if you are trying to judge the voting preferences of a population of 100,000 people, you’ll need 383 randomly sampled people in a survey to reach a 95% confidence interval. 13 is nowhere near the amount of people required to cover those that considered themselves “independents” before the debate.

    That’s not to say this tells us nothing, but it’s by no means a predictive study.

    *edit: I actually would say it’s harmful because I think that it portrays the narrative as if it is predictive, when it’s not.

  • I’m not surprised. Alito is straight up huffing Newsmax like it’s paint but trying to hide it, Clarence Thomas is outwardly corrupt and unabashedly fascist, and the other conservatives are, weirdly, not as extreme and still attempt to maintain this air of professionalism and integrity in their profession. Don’t get me wrong, they don’t actually and in them we have a religious nut, an idiot frat boy, an egoist, and at the head, a conniving political operator. All of which are driving us closer to fascism in their own style.

    But I get the feeling like John Roberts is embarrassed by Clarence Thomas and his clinically insane QAnon conspiracy wife or Alito and his “election was stolen” flag antics. So they’re going to see things differently.

  • I would argue that “the right to vote is fundamental to a democracy” has never been an American conservative ideal. Conservatives have always tried to limit the number and kind of people that can vote and still do: non land owners, ex-slaves, black people, women, ex-felons, and all minorities now. Conservatives have also made a very successful effort to limit the relative power of people’s votes when it doesn’t suit their agenda through gerrymandering and unequal representation.

    Also, really not sure what “the Senate should represent the states and not the people” means. Like it should represent the land? Not the people inside the state?