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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I see more people in my profession (programming) doing the four-day work week, but we’re still in an extreme minority. Outside of this field, it’s even worse. The liberal and conservative parties are actively pushing against it. Almost every day there’s an article where some rich CEO whines about young people being lazy. Added to that: Our aging population and a general lack of workers paired with aggressive anti-immigration politics - they also don’t help this cause.

    So yeah, more people are doing it (especially in IT), which makes me hopeful. But I still don’t see it getting rolled out in a big fashion anytime soon, unfortunately. Especially because salary levels in Germany are already very low and not everyone can afford the loss of pay switching to a four-day work week.

    I just know I’ll never go back. The amount of energy I gained by just having a day more to myself per week is extraordinary.

  • Exporting a Google Doc to HTML creates the worst structure I’ve seen in a long time. They can’t even export lists correctly.

    It feels like they built this in the IE6 days and never touched it again.

    My employer wanted to use it to manage privacy policies, site notices and other legal documents of our clients. Greeeeat fun when it’s time to embed this stuff on a client’s website.

    Either it looks like shit or I spend 1-2 hours to fix the formatting manually…