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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • it may not be a stupid question, but it does seem like a disingenuous question (though you probably don’t mean to do that on purpose, others would).

    Just because deepfake technology exists doesn’t mean that that all video and audio recordings are immediately untrustworthy. It does, however, mean that anyone trying to defend reprehensible behaviour will have an easy method of defense.

    This technology WILL be used during the current U.S. election cycle, and the upcoming Canadian election cycle, and probably every other election cycle after that. Just remember that Roger Stone said “flood the zone with shit”. Know your shit from your shinola.

  • well that and the tax cuts that Reagan implemented knowing full well that trickle-down economics were a fraud.
    and regulatory capture of most of your institutions
    and the loss of local manufacturing jobs (which are actually starting to come back) and the increased acceptance of nazism/fascism by people whose parents and grandparents fought against those very ideologies

    but mostly because the increasing divide between rich and poor is not being condemned but rather celebrated by the same anxiety-inducing media that drools at the thought of the aforementioned shit-show.

    America, you could do so much better. You just don’t. It’s so goddamn disappointing.

    Listen: your neighbours love you, your friends love you, but you’re doing terribly. It’s really really hard to talk to you about it because when you get defensive holy fucking shit you can be difficult to deal with. You keep telling everyone that you’re the greatest (you tell yourself that most of all) and you do it so well and you believe it so intrinsically, that you’ve become blind to your own problems. You’re supposed to protect the weak and the vulnerable, and yet you’ve decided that people with no power aren’t worth your time, or your effort, or worth anything at all. That’s not a nation, it’s abuse. It’s a crying shame.

    Do Better.