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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It was a nazi rally organized by nazis where they literally marched down the street in columns at night with flaming torches shouting “blood and soil” and “the jews will not replace us,” both Nazi slogans. One of the nazis rammed his car into a crowd a anti racist protests at high speed, killling 1 and injuring dozens.

    This is the rally he replied to with “there are fine people on both sides.” He then hedged and said he didn’t support nazis, seconds after supporting nazis.

    It’s almost like the man could have flat out condemned nazis with no intentional ambiguity, but nah.

  • I’m talking about our broken government system, not what’s helpful. The fact that a constitutional convention is impossible is exactly the problem. Its why many parts of our democracy are broken, and will likely ultimately be the downfall of our nation.

    Thr founders called the Constitution a living document, with Jefferson specifically talking about how it must change to as American changes. To do that, they put in a wildly difficult mechanism that is nearly impossible to actually invoke, and added lifetime arbiter roles that can opt to unwind any law not written in pen and ink on that same paper.

    Those are critical fuckups if you intend to have a living document and a shapeable democracy.

  • Jenny McCarthy got a big boost from her in the beginning of her antivax crusade too:

    Of course, the notion that vaccines cause autism has never been supported by science. But Oprah gave McCarthy a vast audience via her TV show in 2007.Science journalist Seth Mnookin, who covered this meeting of the minds in his book The Panic Virus, reported that Winfrey “praised McCarthy’s unwillingness to bow to authority, her faith in herself, and her use of the Internet as a tool for bypassing society’s traditional gatekeepers.” Here’s an excerpt from the interview transcript:

    MCCARTHY: First thing I did — Google. I put in autism. And I started my research.

    WINFREY: Thank God for Google.

    MCCARTHY: I’m telling you.

    WINFREY: Thank God for Google.

    MCCARTHY: The University of Google is where I got my degree from. … And I put in autism and something came up that changed my life, that led me on this road to recovery, which said autism — it was in the corner of the screen — is reversible and treatable. And I said, What?! That has to be an ad for a hocus-pocus thing, because if autism is reversible and treatable, well, then it would be on Oprah.

    Days after that Oprah appearance, McCarthy was invited on Larry King Live and Good Morning America to spread her anti-vaccine message even further. Between the three shows, she reached between 15 million and 20 million viewers with her anti-vaccine message, Mnookin estimated.

    To this day, the episode featuring McCarthy, “Mothers Battle Autism,” is featured on Oprah’s website, without any correction or acknowledgment of the problems with McCarthy’s claims.


  • There isn’t now, but there was then. He isn’t likely to face any charges. Civil trial is more possible, but still difficult.

    He sexually assaulted a 12 year old over and over for years, became a millionaire pastor, and now is retiring while his church does damage control, “both sideing” their support for both him and his victim. The church leaders claim they “just didn’t know” how young she was when he was assaulting her, even though hes been publically talking about his "redemption for his sin " for 30yrs+.

    As usual with church sexual abuse, everyone walks away unscathed but the victim, who takes all the pain and has to deal with all the shame.

  • No, generally that marriage would be annulled. Its far too short for any mingling of assets, so none would be split.

    Generally any individual assets prior to a marriage stay individual. If you own a house outright and marry, your spouse doesnt immediatly get half of it. If you buy a house after you marry, then yes the house is split as its an asset that both parties put value into. It’s like an automatic pre-nup for marriages that already exists.

    Despite the ridiculous scenario you imagined above, judges and lawyers aren’t actually idiots. You dont have to make up hypotheticals to figure out how asset sharing in marriage or divorce works. The law is pretty clear, and there are millions of examples of both you can easily research instead of deciding there is something to be outraged about.

  • That’s what no-fault divorce is. All assets are split 50/50 with no emphasis or prejudice given to who caused the divorce with infidelity, violence, etc.

    Not only is it fair, its way, way easier than establishing blame and then some kind of punitive split of assets that will be fought over and appealed even more than the current system of “equal, equal.”

    The fair has already been solved. It’s what we have now.