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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • I’m only using wooden boards, although not as pretty, since ever (means +30 years). They hold up very well with cutting. You can see the cut, when you push hard, but with wood they either vanish/fade out with time - or add character, as you said.

    The thing that really destroys them is water. Wood is working all the time, when getting wet out drying. And if you get one, that is glued together, then they sometimes tend to break apart. Seems to really depend on the quality.
    Single piece wood tends to deform a bit, also depending on wood type and quality - but I mostly just grab what looks/feels nice and hope for the best.
    Dishwasher is pretty much a no-go.

    I read somewhere, that plastic boards even have more bacteria in the cuts, but I can’t remember the reason…

  • I’m using Linux for desktop since years - even my non tech savvy girlfriend uses KDE without issues on her laptop.

    What was your issue?

    I can’t stand to work with Windows. Is gruesome slow and confusingly designed. Configuration is splittered across the system. Some parts in GUI setting tools, some part in registry, some part in specific files.
    Error codes are completely useless under Windows. In Linux the error message gives me at least a clue what’s happening.

    I can’t understand how anybody can really work with Windows. Gladly I can do 99% of everything in Linux. Only some industry hardware configuration tools are still stuck on Windows.

  • Nah, I created a Lemmy account at the start of June (at least the Jerboa installation date says that) and uninstalled boost a few days later. Only checked in on Reddit from time to time with libreddit, to have a look at the John Oliver party.

    I deleted or mass-edited all my comments and sent an GDPR request. Only thing left after that is the account deletion.

    Didn’t want to give them any traffic anymore, so I avoided everything about it.

  • I currently live the remarkable 2 and also had the first one. Wouldn’t want to live without it, but the software is still not really there…
    There are some patched versions on GitHub with more functionality, but never tried it.

    Company itself argues, they want to be as near to paper as possible. so not many features, which is a fair design choice, but the software still feels sluggish and unoptimized imho