Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Keep in mind our categories are pretty arbitrary. We have stuff like semimetals and so on. All bonding has multiple characteristics outside of extremes, e.g. covalent bonds with dipole character.

    Metals are just our name for the broad category of bonding between extremes at conditions we usually find on earth where we live. They are soft squashy bonds that are kinda slutty because they’re just sort of average.

    Actually within the metals we see some pretty different characteristics, especially with D orbital chemistry stuff but because of inertia we just keep these things all in the same category of metals because shiny squishy was a lot more obvious than fucky wucky complexing when people named them.

  • Tobias. Totes tragic.

    Rachel becoming a fucked up person who only knew how to live in war was also great.

    Tomorrow when the war began was another childhood fave of mine.

    I wouldn’t say that sort of stuff was unheard of. My mum gave me some super tragic books about Polish kids during the war, there was loads of stuff with like thawing dead soldiers enough to steal boots etc. My mum’s Polish so fed me a lot of grim stuff to read to help understand her parents and their experiences. Idk if you’re usaian? maybe popular stuff was a bit more sanitised because of moral majority stuff?

  • It’s definitely prescribed. Doing some reading now and it seems like it might be now be authorisable with special authority if and only if you’re also doing “a comprehensive treatment program” so likely therapy etc which is probably more expensive than just eating the cost. A visit to the GP atm sets me back like 70 bucks, seems like generic naltrexone is about 150 now. Not a cheap thing to trial what with thr economy up the shitter now.

    I wonder if I can buy some clandestinely, I doubt you’d get in too much trouble if caught importing an opiate antagonist.

    p.s. so glad our healthcare system is collapsing in order to make a few old white guys extremely rich. Whenever I have to wait 3 months to see a doctor I comfort myself with the thought of Gerry Harvey wiping his arse with 100 dollar notes.

  • Ketamine

    Fast acting relief from treatment resistant depression. Personally I find ~0.8 mg/kg subcutaneously injected is about the magic dose.

    After 20 odd years of living in a fog the first time I used that treatment was like night and day. I had forgotten how trivial most things are without depression. Exercise for example is just “I don’t wanna but I know I’ll feel better. Ugh fine” instead of something that takes about 3 days to psych up to on a good week.

    I find it’s very effective for about a week, dropping off over the next month or so. Unsure if lifetime sustainable at a frequency of ~2-3 weeks per dose but definitely useful to put in changes to life that make it easier to handle.

    Crazy expensive medically though, if you can get it tested infusions can be prepared diy (most is diverted from medical supply so it’s often not adultrated BUT NOT ALWAYS!) with bacteriostatic water and 0.22 um wheel filters. Obvs if you don’t know what you’re doing you could seriously harm yourself, and you absolutely must be able to secure safety measures like naloxone, but if the rope is looking mighty appealing it’s an option if you can’t get it medically.

  • The V word makes people go nuts because they know they ought to be.

    Notice how nobody is flipping out about my preference for people unfraid of getting their hands dirty, or imagine if I had written Buddhist. Would anyone have replied that it’s a red flag for them or written weird fantasies about anti Buddhist violence?

    It upsets people because we all know killing animals is wrong. It’s easy and it’s tasty though. We tell ourselves it’s ok because everyone else is, but then a vegan comes along and the illusion shatters.