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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I sad it protests did not cause his actions.

    Again, the only way you can accurately make that claim is with the knowledge of what did cause it.

    So prove your claim that the thing that caused this was not the protests, but something else instead.

    What should have been said, was

    Agreed. And what you should have said was “There’s no evidence that the protests caused his actions.” But you didn’t, you instead made a falsifiable claim, and refuse to back it up with proof. Making you a hypocrite.

    I’m done with this discussion

    Better luck next time, then.

  • The onus isn’t on me to “know what they meant.”

    Of course not. And even if you want to pretend you were actually unclear on it, it was then explained to you several times. So whether or not its on you to know it is irrelevant. You did know it, and chose to continue your argument in bad faith from there on out.

    If you claim something is proof of something, be prepared to prove it when asked, or don’t say it.

    So change the word “proof” in the parent comment to “strong evidence”. Is it clear to you now? Do you understand?

  • I keep seeing all these blue no matter who folks who can’t accept that anyone would ever critique Biden.

    Bullshit. You can scroll up this thread and see that’s not the case.

    What you’re seeing is people saying to vote blue while also criticizing Biden, because the alternative is so much worse.

    You’re somehow conflating that with people not accepting any criticism of Biden.