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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • He could have been an okay President…if he was an entirely different person. Even if he did what you said he still hijacked ppe from states, answered softball questions like ‘what would you tell the American people who are scared?’ by telling the reporter he was nasty. The question and reply are probably off but should be similar enough. Pretty sure he was upset Faucci was getting more attention for awhile since Trump can never be wrong and Faucci wanted to tell the truth. I don’t think it’s possible for Trump to have come off as even okay is all.

  • As an person who takes medication for ADD, wonder if it’s cause he’s not taking them these days (least as much as he used to) he’s pretty much confirmed taking them and before I knew I had it I’d knod off in meetings, much as I tried not to. Mostly get to two the head knod stage and jerk more awake.

    Also I’d knod off on car rides even while on work trips, they were longer and boring, like a couple hours. For those that may think they have it as well but may need further proof of signs, those were some signs to it previously that I didn’t know. Before reading up on it I had no idea getting sleepy in certain situations was a flag for it.

    Of course if I’ve misread these signs in articles incorrectly please correct me in comments, I don’t want to give false information, I just sort of take my meds and deal with it these days.

  • Another comment I read mentioned the bond says the company isn’t responsible for the amount if Trump loses and didn’t really do any checking to confirm the account used to secure the bond. If this is incorrect please say something since I do not like spreading false statements but it seems very on brand for Trump so it’s easy to believe. Always great when president has that amount of faith from random people, really shows how reliable they are.

  • Basically boils down to people being hypocrites even with evidence being put in their view. That’s the worst part, they think they have some divine mandate but they follow the person who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire, let alone help them in a time of need.

    So the only conclusion that’s left is they’re bigoted and racist as hell and just want someone to tell them it’s okay to act that way. Well it’s not, for a functioning society that wants to grow that is. Unfortunately these problems don’t have simple solutions but education has left them behind.

  • As an outsider, though neighbor in Canada, I can’t truely comprehend why Trump has the support he does. I sort of get it when looking at specifics (some people enjoy racism, others think he’d stir things up and create change) but the Evangelical support alone is baffling. I’m not religious but went to schools with religion as a subject (didn’t always focus on Christianity in the Anglican one but other one did) and the idea that anyone remotely Christian, or anyone that thinks they have religious values could vote for him makes me want to do the exorcist head spin and spew green pea soup. I didn’t think of that idea in a religious way just an absurd reaction to the situation but it sort of fits.

    I’d definitely vote for the inanimate carbon rod over Trump, but the sandwich has merit too.