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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • In before they nominate fucking Hillary… again. It would be one thing to claim name recognition if people actually liked Biden, but nobody fucking likes Biden. People stomach Biden because the alternative is so much worse. This is why we so desperately need some kind of proportional voting system, literally any kind. The public needs a way of telling the parties “here’s how we feel about these issues” without it being a binary choice between bad and even worse.

  • You shouldn’t underestimate people’s tendency to just do what they’re told and not rock the boat. Network head likes Trump interviews because it generates views, which attracts advertisers. Trump is a petulant child and will refuse to do interviews with any network that points out he has the mental capacity of a child. So the network head mandates that nobody is allowed to question Trumps mental state for fear of him refusing future interviews. Since their boss said so, the network talking heads just go along with it.

    As for the politicians, they can’t recalibrate to the reality that is Trump. They’re used to playing political chess with their equals and along comes the pigeon known as Trump to walk all over the board knocking pieces over and shitting everywhere. They literally have no playbook to deal with him. Normally this would be where the “referee” steps in which depending on context would be a debate moderator, the Supreme Court, or Congress, but the debate moderators won’t touch him because of the previously mentioned reasons, the Supreme Court has been stuffed with puppets that have a vested interest in protecting him, and Congress is so deadlocked and dysfunctional they can’t even pass legislation with bipartisan support nevermind impeaching him.

    Trump is the perfect storm of everything the US political system was never designed to counter. Every single check that was supposed to prevent this sort of thing has either been subverted or just plain failed because the supposition it was built on was faulty. He has highlighted that far too much of the US political apparatus has functioned purely by convention and concepts of fair play and as soon as someone came along that didn’t give a shit about any of that it all crumbled.

  • Because his supporters don’t care if he’s a gibbering idiot as long as he tells them their particular deplorable -ism is perfectly valid and fine. He gets the racist votes because he tells them that they’re right and all the non-white people are inferior and out to get them. He gets the Christian votes because he tells them that the US has, is, and always will be a Christian nation that should be run by their particular flavor of Christianity and btw all the non-Christians are out to get them. He gets the homophobe and transphobe votes because he tells them yes, LGBTQ+ is a choice, they’re all perverts, and they’re all out to get them and their children.

    Basically he tells everyone that’s on the wrong side of history who have been told that they are terrible people for decades that they are in fact not terrible people, that they’ve been right all along, and that it’s all a conspiracy by liberals/democrats/minorities/homosexuals/satanists/whoever to get them, and they eat that shit up. As long as he keeps spouting support for their particular prejudices he’ll keep getting their votes, because they rather elect a gibbering moron who validates them than someone sane and competent that tells them their prejudice is wrong.

  • The good news such as it is, is that they’re not really malicious about it. This isn’t the US style “we don’t like your kind around these parts”, so much as it is “how cute, the silly foreigner thinks he’s people”. They probably won’t even say anything negative to you, they’ll just side eye you and bad mouth you behind your back, maybe pretend not to understand what you’re saying even if you’re speaking perfect Japanese. Not that everyone in Japan is that way of course, but it’s very common there.

    If you’re just visiting, particularly if you stick to the touristy parts, you probably won’t have any problems at all. It’s really only once you try to stay for more than a week or two and start having to do normal day to day stuff like trying to establish a bank account, or taking a daily commute that the xenophobia really kicks in.

  • I think currently they’re not. They’re registered to their state as they’re still technically illegal at the federal level. The DEA has taken kind of a don’t ask don’t tell approach to marijuana and is currently relying on a patchwork of state regulations to manage it because for a variety of (terrible) reasons they haven’t taken the sane step of reclassifying it. It honestly shouldn’t be a scheduled drug or at worst a schedule 4. Moving it from schedule 1 to 3 is better than nothing, but it’s still a chicken shit maneuver.

  • They’re getting smarter about this. Instead of charging Trump immediately they’re saving him for after all his conspirators are convicted. They know that Trump will leave his people out to dry if he thinks it won’t impact him, and by leaving Trump out of it the guilty verdicts become significantly easier to achieve. Once they’ve got a whole slew of air tight convictions to point to their case against Trump becomes really simple because they just need to show be was working with all these people which is practically a matter of public record at this point.