• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I agree Reddit is toxic. I’d argue reddit actually stopped being Reddit around 2016. But it’s posts like this that clog it all up and are partially why it is the way it is today.

    I gotta agree with this. The toxicity in any reddit thread increases dramatically when the poster pre-emptively complains about all the toxicity they expect to receive. Whereas when you just ask straight without going into a whole speech about comment quality, you get much better replies. Particularly because it’s hijacking your own thread; changing it from whatever question you wanted to ask into an analysis of the comments.

  • Jesus Christ this is stupid.

    If purity-test people like you would actually fucking vote for change, we could actually enact meaningful change.

    Instead, we will never have enough left-leaning politicians to enact any sort of progressive agenda because of braindead voters like you who refuse to vote because the lesser of two evils isn’t perfect. And we get stuck in this 51/49 deadlock where nothing good ever happens.

    Imagine being so stupid that you’d support the greater of two evils simply because you weren’t a fan of the lesser of two evils. Imagine this: You have to eat either a pile of dogshit with a small piece of corn in it, or a pile of corn with a small piece of shit in it. But you get to choose. And you say “ehhhh I don’t like corn so I won’t choose.” How stupid can one be???

    I don’t care how badly you or I want Bernie, or AOC, or whoever to be the next president. IT ISN’T HAPPENING. So do everybody a favor and fucking vote for the candidate who is BETTER.

    If there are two evils to choose from, and you get a choice, CHOOSE THE FUCKING LESSER EVIL.