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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Ironically, A rather conservative old school pastor I had growing up often told a fable of a guy talking to god for the first time. His boat was damaged and sinking after he struck a rock. About 30 minutes after another boat saw the damaged boat and offered him help and the guy waved it away saying “nah, God will help me.” A couple hours pass and another boat sees his submerging boat and offers him help and he replys again “nah, God will help me!” Another half hour passes and the boat is under water and the guy is struggling to stay afloat. A third boat passes by and he waves it by again, “no, God will intervene!”

    The guy asks God “why didn’t you save me?”

    God replies “I sent three rescues, what more could I have done?”