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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Running a Primary against the President would almost certainly guarantee a Democratic loss. It’s like admitting failure and asking to try again. Furthermore there is no clear alternative waiting to run. “Votes are not owed, they are given” is kinda bunk. Someone is going to win the election whether you like it or not. If you treasure the ability to vote at all, there is only one person on the ballot that is going to ensure that moving forward. The GOP is actively talking about overturning democracy at CPAC. Especially in a topic about Israel, which the GOP has stronger support for than the DNC. If you’d rather see the US Military help Israel, by all means vote Republican, because they have been trying to find an excuse to go to war with Iran for ever, and starting another war in the middle east would be their we dream.

  • write all your congresspeople and tell them that they need to stop supporting Israel.

    That’s a bad idea. If the US stops supporting Israel, Hamas and their financial backers will immediately invade to wipe them off the planet. I don’t know if the rhetoric I hear is mostly Russian propaganda, or people don’t really understand the conflict. Israel didn’t just decide to invade Gaza, there was an 9/11-esk terrorist attack by Hamas that triggered his retaliation. Despite being the defacto governors of Gaza, Hamas is a terrorist organization and operates like one. There is no attacking Hamas without attacking Gaza. They are essentially one in the same, and there is no peaceful solution when Hamas goal is to wipe Israel off the planet. It would be a kin to the US not going after Osama Bin Laden after 9/11. Do you think he would have stopped? I don’t think I’ve heard anyone seriously suggest the US should have done nothing after 9/11. Going into Afghanistan was pretty well supported (Ignoring Iraq, because that’s where the Bush Admin fucked it up). The only solution to 9/11 was a time machine going back and not getting involved in the Middle East in the first place, but now where talking a reverse butterfly effect of who knows what happens. The Israel-Hamas conflict is older than Hamas, and it quite literally one of, if not the most complex Geo-political issues in history.

    Personally I think the best Idea would be the pressure Israel into larger oversight by the UN, or whomever. I don’t see any true peace while Hamas or any other Islamist extremist organization exists in that region. The time for that was twenty plus years ago.