• 112 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Your question avoids the biggest issue with that sort of dictatorship - the fact that it replaces peaceful electoral competition for power with force, that can as easily result in chaos and civil war as a stable dictatorship.

    With that off the table, the big issue is that kind of benevolent dictatorship has a tendency to start off strong and then decay as the original ruling clique who actually had some ideals die off and are replaced by their subordinates who got into working in an autocratic government for the power. Too bad Bernie is so old, we wouldn’t get that many years of him on top. Not worth it in the long run even if you do get some policy benefits in the short run. Unless you think the odds of Trump becoming a dictator instead are high enough that it’s better to take a chance on a better dictator, which is the kind of calculation that results in the civil wars and such I mentioned above.