• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Nah, I mean, I was around when George Bush was the guy. I didn’t like him, I didn’t feel he was a good leader, or fit for the office. I would try to convince people not to support him or the war(s) in the middle east. But he was not a threat to democracy. Except maybe through The Patriot Act…

    There was a lot of things I didn’t agree with that Mitt Romney believes. I think voting him in would have been regressive and bad for gay people, etc, who I care about. I think he is wrong about things. But he’s not a threat to democracy. I belive that he believes the things he claims to believe, and that he believes in his heart that he’s doing the right thing. I just disagree with him.

    John McCain seemed like an honorable man. Again, I felt that his priorities and mine didn’t line up, but he was nowhere near a threat to democracy.

    The reason this dude is a threat to democracy is because he has openly and repeatedly disregarded voting and the function of government, which is kinda democracy’s whole thing. If the votes don’t count, and the results don’t follow the will of the voters, then it’s not a democratic system. If you systematically choose to make it so some segment of your citizens cannot vote, or their voices are not heard, then it’s not a democratic system.

  • 100% you can do it with some good instructional content and a smidge of patience!

    A standard lock is disturbingly easy to pick… We used to run a booth at a maker event where we taught members of the public passing by including, like, 5 year olds to pick padlocks.

    Unrelated, but BTW there are some jurisdictions if I’m not mistaken where having lock picking tools found on you is considered “criminal intent” or something, but on the other hand if you’re already at the point where your bag is being searched you may already be boned…

  • Ok, let me rephrase your rephrase to be what question I think you’re trying to ask.

    At some point we had decided on a seven day week with week names. That’s fine. But we must also have decided at some point that today was Wednesday in this system.

    So I think you’re asking “what is the first day we all agree was definitely a Sunday, such that all Sundays after were based on that”. Or put another way, at what point did the days of the week get locked to the days of our year.

    I don’t have that answer, but your question confused me, so I’ve reworded it.

  • If you’re talking about a community instance that strangers can join, it’s mostly about volunteering and feeling like you’re contributing to something.

    If you’re talking about running one for you alone, or you and friends or family, then it’s mostly about controlling your experience. You control when there are updates, you control what version you run, you know who has your data, it’s you. You know no one’s doing anything bad with it, because it’s you. If there’s something bugging you and someone else wrote a patch to fix it, you can deploy that. Or if there’s some setting to enable or disable a feature for the whole instance, you can set it to your preference.

    The cons are that it’s you. If it goes down because something broke or got corrupted, it doesn’t come back later on its own. You do it. If your database poops the bed and eats all your data, then did you have backups? Were they kept on a different disk than the corrupted one? Because if not then your data is now gone. A new version came out! When does the upgrade happen? When you make time to do it. Maybe there’s manual migration steps you need to do, maybe you need to change some new settings, you should probably make a backup in case you have to roll back… How did you know there was a new version out? How do you know if there’s some critical bug or security flaw you need to fix? You have to subscribe to the community, essentially.

    Maybe you subscribe to a lot of busy photo communities and then one day lemmy is down for you. Weird… the box won’t turn on. Oh, the disk is at 100%. Shit, did you not have a monitor that checks disk usage and emails you when it’s getting full? Oops…