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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • the fact that we’re studying things properly now and regulating what terms and substances mean will almost certainly shake that out and find the specific cause/harmful quantity

    anything is dangerous in high enough dose, but that doesn’t mean you stop doing beneficial things because it’s harmful at high dosage … if that were the case we wouldn’t have paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin - all much more harmful than CBD/THC at much lower dosages (and let’s not even talk about the harm of alcohol)

  • there are plenty of other delivery methods. our studies in australia are using CBD oil, THC oil, or you can choose to smoke it etc if you’d like… but afaik there are specific studies around using the oils and i can’t imagine if they’re found to be as effective they’d allow smoking - for the obvious reason that smoking being bad for your health, and the less obvious reason that smoking is, by the nature of having repetitive action, addictive

    CBD oil has definitely been good for me. it helps me sleep far far better! 0.1ml occasionally if i’m feeling like my brain just isn’t slowing down - maybe once per week on average, sometimes 2-3x if there’s a lot of stressful things going on

  • i’m from melbourne, australia which is one of the best places in the world for coffee… when i go to the US i try to find good coffee but our version of good tends to be VERY different

    US good is a dark roast - which i find very bitter… australian coffee (and melbourne in particular) is quite a light roast, which is more acidic but less bitter

    i find most good coffee in the US to be pretty undrinkable (this probably comes down to choice of preparations: black drip is pretty weak; espresso starts out strong), but a starbucks blonde is… inoffensive (note with relation to your comment: a light roast is probably what you’re talking about; especially a light double ristretto… a ristretto is a half shot, twice… the bitterness from coffee comes at the end of the shot, so nero is perhaps a light roast double ristretto… you also tend to get most of the caffeine in the first half i think? so it’s more caffeine if that worries you)

    so when i’m in a rush and really just want to not hate what im putting in me, ill find a starbucks not because its good, but because its fucking hard work to find a good coffee that’s also my taste - my usual cues for a cafe just don’t work in the US, and there’s no a fantastic cafe on literally every corner so the choice is even harder

  • yeah i have my single email account setup with 5 different domains and a multitude of different aliases - including *@auto.<mydomains> so you can sign up for throwaway service@auto.mydomain and nobody knows that it’s a throwaway so it never gets blocked by services (and the + trick in emails is well known by people doing nefarious things with email - they’ll automatically strip the wildcard part out so it can’t be traced)

  • +1 for fastmail… it’s one of those products that isn’t trying to trick you… you pay for it, and it’s just a solid product that tries to be the best at what it is…

    it’ll let you have as many domains and aliases as you like, including wildcards for email (and lets you reply/send appropriately using any of those aliases)

    it’ll let you pull all your calendars and push events into a single one of your choosing - it doesn’t have to be theirs

    i could probably replicate some of what it does with my home server, but it’s really nice that i don’t have to