Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 6

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 6

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Cool, Biden should use those new get out of jail free cards to do a lot of shit to improve the lives of Americans and probibit Project 2025.

    The party about of rule of law just got told it’s rule of law to just do whatever as president, so go nuts. Pack the court. Forcibly remove the supreme Court. Ignore it.

    Hell the constitution never even said the Court has the right to interpret and block laws, that was due to the Court expanding its own power. We just went with it because Jefferson had his own Xanatos Gambit played on him.

    Come on Biden do something really cool with this, make them regret it.

  • So I’m now wondering if he would hold onto that until big pharma is off the hook for their role in the opiate epidemic.

    • Get the most lower class Americans struggling for healthcare (dawn of country)
    • Have them stick to their low paying jobs because they have healthcare (Dawn of the 20th century)
    • Get them hooked on opiates a rigged FDA approved of due to the company that made it funded the studies and had them on the board
    • Make them dependent on them when they get injured by buying doctors
    • Now you have a low income addict to a drug. Job fucks him over? Arrest him for homelessness. Police terry stop him? Arrest him for drug possession. He starts questioning how it all happened, “you’re some kinda commie lib hippy, arrest him!”

    Thomas wants liberals in jail, he doesn’t care how.

  • No it won’t. They’ll just make every case the worse possible way and wipe their hands clean of it.

    They won’t regret one moment of it. Maybe a small migraine but all 9 of the members agreed to have no oversight, no party can get enough to impeach any member of it, and they remain on it until they retire (why give up the ability to construct the entire government of 314 million?) or die in the seat.

    Every single one of them just wants power, this gives them that. Welcome to fascism. We can’t elect any of them, we can’t remove any of them, and they get to state if someone is not bound by law or protected by it. And we’re not even trying to pack the courts anymore.

  • Of course they’re back, they’ve been back since the 1960s, or 1910s if you wanna go back slightly further.

    And as a reminder: Modern gun control laws were started because the Black Panthers also trained and learned to defend themselves from far right militias to express the right to vote and free speech. We didn’t start doing anything when the KKK locked and loaded, only when people started defending themselves from the KKK.

  • If there’s ever been proof that America has an injustice system instead of a justice system:

    • Trump is guilty of all 34 counts, is allowed to still run free, still allowed to run for president, still gets massive coverage from every piece of media, even ones that lean liberal.

    • Every single black American has to worry about cops just randomly shooting them, without judge or jury, just executioner.

    • Women had their bodily rights revoked by an illegitimate court.

    • Trans people are new scapegoat after gay/bi/lesbian people struggled to get the same rights as the 90% since the 1960s at Stonewall.

    But sure, we live in a free country where a fascist can be arrested, found guilty, lose more money than any person who could support such a fucking loser would ever see in life, and still do will in polls and not have serious challenge.

  • I agree no life is without pain, it’s why I think breeding just to have milk or meat is immoral and unethical. I don’t want an industrial scale level pain factory that increases global warming because I want a steak or a glass of milk.

    A life is not born just to die as a song is not begun just to end, the life itself is the beauty of nature. I don’t think a humane way of killing someone or something justifies a life trapped in a machine to be slaughtered when ripe.

    I want to make it clear I eat animal products, due to my family wanting it more than I do. I had a meatloaf today of ground beef, I don’t claim to be a moral high ground when I clearly am not.

    But I don’t think that even if the death is humane, the purpose of life is not be a product to be sold, for humans, cattle, pigs, dogs, cats, horses, fish, bears, etc. I would object if humans were in the same placement.