If I own a community that’s related to a piece of software, service, or other community and someone who actually contributes to that wants it, message me and it’s yours. I stake no claim in communities, I simply want to see them exist and thrive.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2023


  • By the UN definition, Hamas is a genocidal organisation

    The UN does not define “genocidal organisation”, but instead defines genocide. Does an organization who intends to commit genocide meet the definition of a genocidal organization, or would it be an organization who has both the will and the means to, or would it be an organization who is committing genocide? That’s not defined by the UN and the nuance of that is very important to the claim.

    Its founding charter, published in 1988, explicitly commits it to obliterating Israel. Article 7 states that “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them”. Article 13 rejects any compromise, or peace, until Israel is destroyed.

    Here’s the charter. In the preamble it states “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”. The particular translation I’m using of this document has it written as “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees.” I don’t speak arabic and as such cannot comment if perhaps it’s simply that the term they use for “fight” is also one that explicitly means to kill as well, or what, but the second part does make clear that the intent is to eventually oppress the Jewish people and send them into hiding.

    I’d recommend reading through the entire document if you have time.

  • There is little evidence that Israel, like Hamas, “intends” to destroy an ethnic group—the Palestinians

    This particular line I keep seeing parroted. Yes, Hamas has said they wish to eradicate an ethnic group. Yes, that is egregious. No, that does not mean their rebellion against the occupying, more powerful force, is a genocide.

    Beyond that, Israel has said “we are fighting against animals”, painting Palestinians as inhuman to legitimize their warcrimes. While one may argue that they were just talking about Hamas, it’s obvious that Hamas is composed of Palestinians, and while not elected by the Palestinians of today, represent them.

    But to my initial point, the occupying force, physically erasing a people and systemically erasing their culture and ability to congregate and form community is genocide. Regardless of Hamas. They have the means, and they are enacting that means.

  • J’apprécie les mots gentils. Je vais faire de mon mieux pour apprendre le français! Merci beaucoup pour vos meilleurs vœux.

    Je utiliser plusiers outils y compromis mes amis, ChatGPT, et cours en ligne. J’espère que cela aide mon apprentissage!

    Should say:
    I appreciate the kind words. I will do my best to learn French! Thank you for the best wishes.

    I’m using many tools including my friends, ChatGPT, and online courses. I hope it helps my learning!

  • CBC | As Israel expands Gaza offensive, it has lonely critics in Washington(direct)

    As Israel expands its military offensive in Gaza, some Democrats in the US are expressing growing criticism of Israeli actions. Younger progressive Democrats have been more vocal in calling for civilian protections and a ceasefire. However, support for Israel remains strong among both Democratic and Republican leadership as well as the general public. While progressive critics want to see Palestinian lives prioritized, Israel sees no viable negotiating partner with Hamas controlling Gaza. The article discusses the long history of US support for Israel since its founding and changing views over time. Some analysts believe criticism from the left lacks real political power but could influence younger voters. Ultimately both sides express pessimism about prospects for peace given the deep tensions and lack of trust between Israelis and Palestinians.

    It’s evidenced in the vote in the last U.S. Congress to top up American funding for Israel’s missile-defence system: a lopsided result of 420 to 9.

    I checked who voted which way, and the following were Nay votes:

    • Cori Bush (D)
    • André Carson (D)
    • Jesús G. “Chuy” García (D)
    • Raúl M. Grijalva (D)
    • Thomas Massie (R)
    • Marie Newman (D)
    • Ilhan Omar (D)
    • Ayanna Pressley (D)
    • Rashida Tlaib (D)


    • Henry C. “Hank” Johnson, Jr. (D)
    • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D)

    No Vote:

    • Debbie Lesko (R)

  • Omar and Tlaib Are Condemned in the US for Saying What Prominent Israelis Are Saying(direct)

    About 1/3rd through the article, they start highlighting some of the progressive conversations that have been being had in Israel, comparing them to the remarks AOC, Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, and others have been criticized as “disgraceful” for.

    Some important ones IMO:

    Daniel Levy, a former Israeli peace negotiator and top adviser to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who told the BBC, “If anyone told me that what the militants did on the weekend was a legitimate response to years and years of occupation. I would say: ‘No, you’re wrong-headed. You’ve lost sight of humanity and reality.’ And if anyone tells me that what Israel is doing in Gaza today is a legitimate response to what happened on the weekend, it’s exactly the same.”

    Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard, an expert on the rules of war, observed Wednesday that “Hamas committed abominable war crimes for which there can be no forgiveness. But the laws of war weren’t meant only for situations in which our blood is cool, or when there is no justified anger or understandable desire for revenge.” The lawyer explained:

    It’s not easy for Israelis to think about Gazans’ rights in a week when Hamas committed crimes that are still impossible to digest and our whole society is mourning and crying. But Gaza’s catastrophe won’t wait for the end of our seven-day shivah.

    Consequently, this needs to be said: Israel has held millions of people under a brutal blockade for more than 15 years with the support of the entire Western world. That is inhumane and inconceivable, and every solution to this bloody conflict ultimately includes respecting the rights of all people, both in Gaza and Sderot, to live with security and human dignity. And that begins with respecting the most basic rules as set down in the international laws of war, which are designed to reduce the harm to civilians.

    It’s easy to get stuck in a North American bubble of media, but it’s also important to note what’s being said locally by people who have eyes on the ground and have been watching this stuff grow first hand for 75 years since the occupation of Israel.