• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Comrade, the USA was founded by rich businessmen, and organized primarily to defend the class interests of that group.

    The nation-state has at various points hunted down runaway slaves (Fugitive Slave Act of 1850), used the national guard to put down strikes (the Ludlow Massacre, the Lattimer massacre, the breaking of the Homestead Strike, the West Virginia Coal Wars…), fought violently against peaceful protesters (Kent State shootings, pretty much every protest of the Civil Rights Movement, the DNC protests of 1968, various incidents during the Floyd protests…), arrested and murdered people for ideology rather than proof of actually committing a crime (Sacco and Vanzetti, the Haymarket Martyrs…), drugged and murdered Fred Hampton as he slept next to his pregnant fiance, funded dozens of coups against democratically elected leaders because they were left-leaning, and done countless other things. This is aided by the permanent death grip that capital has on the country.

    Even if the process of getting elected was completely untied to wealth (hahaha) and lobbying didn’t exist (lol), at the end of the day the economy is controlled by the capitalists and they can bring a country to its knees if it doesn’t obey. Capital strikes and the threat of disinvestments and layoffs are powerful.

    It’s not a bug. It is a feature.

  • Extremists tend to have anime pfps. Conservatives listen to the radio way more often, and are pretty much the only audience of radio talk shows. Progressives have a tendency to consider the implications of the media they consume way more than conservatives. Liberals tend to play tabletop games more often than other political groups. Socialists (of all variations) are the most likely group to have taken unconventional lifestyle choices (i.e. they’re vegan, live in a commune, make their own clothes, etc.). Authoritarians are obsessed with “the natural order”. This tends to shine through in the justificationns they give for their political beliefs. Anarchists/Libertarians shy away from the mainstream of literally anything (punk rock is a shining example, as is their prevalence here).