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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Honestly haven’t heard of this happening in Europe before, but also haven’t done any research before now, and I don’t read a lot of news.

    Seems it’s a surprisingly (for me, at least) big thing in the UK, but until recently was more associated with gang violence, with young men being the main victims, as opposed to the more classic “man has precious ‘honor’ and feelings hurt by woman, manly and honorable man scars woman for life so everyone can see how honorable he is”-scenario.

    Worldwide, 80% of victims are still female.

    It’s worth noting that, according to these statistics, the second and third European countries on the list, France and Italy, have a combined 14 attacks, which is less than the 20 in USA.

    If only the economic rift between the indigent and the insanely wealthy Americans wasn’t so great, you’d all be able to afford guns, and not have to resort to these disgusting “European” tactics 😓

    Maybe we should start a GoFundMe campaign? If it works for paying for healthcare, maybe it will work for getting everyone a gun?

  • I fail to see how this is news. A complete tragedy, and as others have mentioned, the mother will blame herself for the rest of her life. Move along.

    On top of that — is this really the type of sources we should be posting from? The stories I managed to see on the front page, before the gagging became too much, seemed to be equal parts Megan & Harry, Trump, and Caitlyn Jenner. Pure tabloid trash. They don’t deserve the traffic.

    For the first time in quite a while, I’m sorely missing the ability to downvote.

    Edit: Ahhh, here we go 🙄

    kf076948@kbin.social account history:

    • account 8 days old
    • 1 comment
    • 9 posts
    • percentage of posts leading to “menzmag” = 100%

    I’m guessing we know where you work now, eh mate? Some lovely astroturfing 🤢👍

  • I just re-watched all the first 14 Bond movies, and there are apparently satellites that can track all the subs, so we’re good 😊👌 Also, you can just reprogram the missiles to blow up the other subs — just steal the launch codes, easy peasy 👍 Check mate, Kim! 💥🚀

    Side note: many (or, indeed, most) of the films did not age well 😣 I’m not proud of how little of the misogyny, borderline rape-y, no-consent, belittling of women stuff I failed to notice as a kid (patents’ fault) and adolescent (my fault); it starts to get a bit better around the end of the Moore era, and I’m now getting ready for the Dalton era. It will be interesting to see the newer films with this fresh context of the old ones, and I’ve never seen the two newest ones, which I think were supposed to address all of these issues.

    Secondary side note: so far, the best ones (IMHO, YMMV) have been For Your Eyes Only, Octopussy, A View To A Kill.

  • Honestly, it’s so damned hard to understand. Granted, I’m somewhat biased, hailing from a “socialist” Nordic country, but I just can’t wrap my head around how these nauseating unique sales propositions are palatable to, let alone desired by, anyone.

    We should take women’s rights away! cheering

    We should make it easier for arms merchants to make more money by facilitating more efficient killing! heavy applause

    People who love other people than those dictated to be loveable by either ancient superstitious nonsense or machismo-fueled ignorance are evil! the crowd goes wild

    I will fight for your right to sell your organs if your personal situation becomes so abysmally dire that you have no other options (and I will make sure to facilitate the further ruination of the economy and funneling of money to the wealthy so that you’ll get there faster)! erections abound

    I’ll make sure that healthcare becomes a luxury most can’t afford! pure rapture

    With your precious votes, I’ll cut the funding to schools and make sure that by the time you realise what a hell-scape you’ve helped me create, your kids will be too dumb to get rid of me and my kind, and will rebel against you by perpetuating my abuse! every single person climaxes

    Wait, that last one was actually from a speech my predecessors have been handing down for generations! nobody hears because they’re too stupid, passed out from excessive orgasming, or a combination of the two

    Seriously, what is the appeal?? 😓