Alien Nathan Edward

Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • He knows what the fuck his job is, it’s to direct violence at the poor in order to protect and mollify the rich. The fact is the whole system is set up to prevent this embarrassment and Trump has been too pig-headed and boorish to take advantage of the multiple easy ways out that they’ve been offering him. He was supposed to do what the rest of them do, quietly agree to a generous plea deal to make the whole thing disappear so that no judge has to be broadcast on live TV showing such blatant favoritism to the aristocratic class.

  • if I were a Trumper trying to learn from Jan 6 the lesson I’d learn is that the mob was all in one place and disorganized, which made them easy to find and target, easy to defend against, and very susceptible to morale issues as soon as they got pushback (watch the Ashley Babbit video. As FA turns to FO, pay attention to the mood of the crowd. The fact is there were enough of them close enough that they could have easily overwhelmed the lone guard, but when they realized that this was real life where people who get shot die they lost any will to proceed). Small, organized teams spread out all over the country would be very difficult to defend against, could have goals beyond just disrupting a single vote like kidnapping legislators or knocking out utilities, and could have trained, organized people who are actually ready and willing to put their lives on the line. Don’t think in terms of getting ready for another Jan 6. Jan 6 happened and is over. Think in terms of what the people who did Jan 6 will learn from their failure, and organize around that.