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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • Yes, unfortunately. It’s something that I’m working on with multiple doctors and practitioners, and so far we’ve gone through some of the usual suspects (Vitamin D levels, checking thyroid function, making sure I wasn’t diabetic - already had my doubts on that one but I’m not the one with the medical degree I suppose…, etc).

    My mental health isn’t always the best, so I’m trying to get that worked on as well because bad mental health can cause lethargy and chronic fatigue (it’s a two-way street though, the reverse applies too)… Unfortunately a lot of mental health meds have fatigue as a side effect which doesn’t help my case. It also doesn’t help that I have Crohn’s disease, and any autoimmune/chronic condition in general can also cause chronic fatigue.

    I don’t know, I still feel like the root cause of it is an imbalance of something, but that’s my best “gut instinct” guess - I have nothing concrete to base that off of. It feels like all of the things I’m trying are just attempting to “brute force” the issues away, rather than treating whatever is the root cause, but I digress… All I know is, it feels like the game was rigged against me from the start.

  • Context switching is the reason why. There’s “downtime” where I work at because of the times I work (night time / I believe its called a “graveyard” shift). However, its never nothing for the whole shift, its intermittent. So lets say I decided to play a game (or work on a personal project, or any other number of things) I’d have to get into the mindset of whatever I’m doing, then see that a ticket has come in, switch my mindset back, answer the ticket and perform the work required for the ticket… and then switch back again.

    As @toomanypancackes said in their reply, I honestly just either want to go back to bed, or not have to worry about work and do my own thing (uninterrupted). Those aren’t options unfortunately, so I’m just left to be in that weird purgatory of “There’s not a lot of work to be done, but there’s some every so often… so I can’t completely go away”. I prefer it over it being absolutely slammed with tickets because that’s just exhausting.

    Every so often I’ll put on a rerun of a show since it doesn’t matter if I “get into” the show or not, but actually doing something significant isn’t usually an option unless its actually dead during my hours.

  • ActivityPub does use cryptographic keys for Actors (“users” in this case) - so even in theory if you were to destroy your instance and then set it up on the same domain and recreate the user, things would be quite broken still… But unfortunately it still does rely on the domain name itself, so I agree.

    I think the problem is, without the domain name, there is no way for you to lookup who @russjr08 would be, or where to send data to them. The domain effectively acts as a mailing address (a well suited analogy considering that ActivityPub also uses inboxes/outboxes) so that Instance A always knows that User B can be found on Instance B.

    I doubt its an impossible challenge to solve, but probably quite a difficult one I’m sure.

  • Yeah, AFAIK ActivityPub itself heavily relies on the domain being part of your identity - so its not really possible to change the domain on any of them, along with other federation implementations such as Matrix.

    This is why while Mastodon allows for profile transfers, it doesn’t transfer your post content - it simply just sends a signal to your followers to unfollow your old account and follow your new one. The actual content itself is intrinsically tied to your identity on the old domain.

  • Sure, I’ll bite.

    Do not attempt to tell me “what I’m thinking”

    I’m not going to pretend that my way of thinking is “unique” because I can’t speak for how others think, but I expect that same courtesy to apply to me as well. For example, whenever someone says “You seem to think…” it upsets me quite a bit. What I say out loud (or “write” I suppose) doesn’t include the context of how I got to that point.

    I very much am happy for people to tell me when I’m wrong on something, because if I’m wrong I would like to know (more-so if they can actually prove it… just saying “You’re wrong” and not saying how leads to nothing, but that is a whole other rant). However, one thing that that no one can assert to know more than I do is how I think, what I’m thinking, or the methods that I used to arrive to something I’ve said/done. You can possibly predict it depending on how long you’ve known me for, but to try to claim you know exactly what, is very egregious in my eyes.

    I have a pretty high tolerance before my temper is set off (or as I like to say “A very long fuse, but an even higher yield when that fuse runs out”), but there is a small list of exceptions to that - one being hypocrisy, and the other being this.