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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2023


  • I used to justify it with “I’ve had a shit day, I deserve to be able to have something for the convenience” - not to mention, I don’t have a car so realistically it was “Do I want fast food or not”.

    Then I started to realize that every day tends to be a bad day for me, due to a multitude of reasons. I live paycheck to paycheck (which is why I don’t have a car in the first place) and the amount I was spending on takeout was way too high.

    Now the only time I do so is on Fridays because my workplace lets us spend $25 on their tab just for joining the weekly staff meeting. Aside from that, I might order a takeout once, maybe even twice, during a pay period as a “congrats for making it through last month” but I’d like to even stop doing that ideally.

  • Ah I see, that’s unfortunate then. For what its worth, I still think the bot is a great idea for discoverability and bridging the two services together! I hadn’t seen it before since I usually have bot users muted and happened to see this comment chain while logged out.

    I’ve given it a follow from my Mastodon account since I do tend to miss quite a few cool Lemmy posts it seems, and I think it’ll help me find some communities in general that I’ll want to subscribe to from over here.

  • I feel like most people (assuming you’re not on Reddit) don’t really care, so long as you’re not being spammy with them (or not just reply with only an emoji).

    Every now and then I’ll tack one on at the end of a comment if I think that my tone might come of a bit more passive aggressive than I intended it to be, but most of the time I just see it as “I might need to rewrite this so that it doesn’t come off that way” instead.

  • Websites that do not let me copy/paste my password in from my password manager, and break the auto-fill functionality.

    Additionally, the ones that make you change the password every sixty days because they don’t let me copy and paste the newly generated one in… It just feels like they’re begging me to try to use an insecure one.

  • About the bonus peeve, it’s definitely a double edged sword for me. I know exactly what you mean, and I hate those moments.

    But at the same time, one thing I’ve come to dislike on GNOME is when I click a link in Thunderbird expecting it to open right away, and instead get a “Mozilla Firefox is ready” notification. It makes it feel a bit clunkier/slower when I’ve come to expect that interaction to be instant (and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s precisely why it hasn’t changed in most places).

    So now instead of being bothered by one case, I get bothered by both cases lol. I wish there was more of a middle-ground, like middle clicking the link (or holding control/some other modifier key) would bypass that notification and just directly open/focus it.

  • Ah, that’s not likely to be found at any site really (that I know of at least). That model makes sense for governments, but for websites its not like you’re able to vote in a new site owner (well, strictly speaking from an independent run website and not one that’s run by a corporation cough Reddit - even then, you can’t really just vote out Reddit Inc as a whole).

    But, America was founded because they didn’t want to be connected to a government they felt like they had no influence in, thus splitting off to form their own government - it’s very easy to do the same for Lemmy (you could even go as far as Hexbear did, and fork Lemmy and maintain your own version).

    I’m not familiar with any websites that are run in the way that you’re referring to, but I’d be interested to see one and how it shapes up (even if I wouldn’t be interested in running one myself), though I’m not sure how the logistics of it would work. However, I’ve seen the idea come up a few times in the past before so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s one out there (or at least, in the past).

    Personally I see the analogy is a a bit silly for a site that takes place in the Fediverse. If you break a law in most places, you get thrown in jail. On a Lemmy/Fediverse instance, if you break the rules you get banned - but can start a new account elsewhere and participate in the same communities (for better or for worse). This exact community isn’t even hosted on lemmy.world, so the definition of “site” in the Fediverse is a much less important abstraction than it would be if you were to say, be banned off of Reddit, hence why I keep circling back to moving instances/standing up your own.