There’s no answer without this tidbit.
There’s no answer without this tidbit.
I can turn off the horseshit firehose that we call AI, making it far better than google
I considered this until I learned how much more IT is paid than me, without needing the education and certifications that I need.
Funny, I can’t seem to remember which port my mouse plugs into on my work computer now.
This is the only correct answer.
Why aren’t you creating meaning?
Without a god, there’s only one option left for anyone with agency - us.
The fuck are you doing whining about it? Time’s wasting and you don’t have much. Get out there and build something that matters.
No it isn’t.
Republicans are fascist, eugenicist, lead-addled dementia patients with no regard for human life outside their immediate families and even then only to the degree that they can be exploited. Their core values are narcissism and personal greed.
Democrats are performatively-compassionate cowards who are terrified of change and value avoiding conflict above anything else. Their core values are looking outwardly like they give a damn and not being yelled at by anybody.
The two are incredibly distinct from one another.
Yes. Suture up that corpse.
Well we have plenty of executives to practice on.