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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Immutable Nixos. My entire server deployment from partitioning to config is stored in git on all my machines.

    Every time I boot all runtime changes are “wiped”, which is really just BTRFS subvolume swapping.

    Persistence is possible, but I’m forced to deal with it otherwise it will get wiped on boot.

    I use LVM for mirrored volumes for local redundancy.

    My persisted volumes are backed up automatically to B2 Backblaze using rclone. I don’t backup everything. Stuff I can download again are skipped for example. I don’t have anything currently that requires putting a process in “maint mode” like a database getting corrupt if I backup while its being written to. When I did, I’d either script gracefully shutting down the process or use any export functionality if the process supported it.

  • Also semi-sane US citizen. Same feelings. Would not be surprised if there is a major civil incident within the next 20 years.

    Lower class is fucked without anything to lose.

    Middle class is getting milked dry to keep infinite growth alive.

    Wealthy R class keeps making these rules for thee not for me proposals in order to seize control.

    Wealthy D class, other than a handful of progressives, are just as corrupt with better marketing. Complacency over Israel’s actions put some light on it at least.

    These dinosaurs who are running these crimes against humanity won’t retire from office.

    R has been stupidly effective at wrapping up hate in “christian love.” I can’t even understand how people buy into this crap. Wealth and power is all they want. These social issues to keep people infighting is so blatant and obvious.

  • I haven’t tested in Windows, but this is my setup Linux to Linux using rclone which the docs say works with Windows.


    • LUKS
    • LVM
    • Volgroup with a mishmash of drives in a mirror configuration
    • Cache volume with SSD
    • BTRFS /w Snapshots (or ZFS or any other snapshotting FS)
    • (optional) Rclone local “remote” with Crypt if you want runtime encryption at rest and the ability to decrypt files on the server. You can skip this and do client side only if you don’t want the decryption key on the server.
    • SFTP (or any other self-hosted protocol from https://rclone.org/docs/)


    • Rclone Config /w SFTP (or chosen protocol)
    • (optional) Rclone Config /w Crypt
    • Rclone mount with VFS.

    I use this setup for my local files and a similar setup to my Backblaze B2 off site backups.

    The VFS implementation has been pretty good. You can also manually sync. Their bisync I don’t fully trust though.

    I can access everything through android using https://github.com/newhinton/Round-Sync. Not great for photos though as thumbnails weren’t loading without pulling the whole file last I tested a year ago.

  • One method depends on your storage provider. Rsync may have incremental snapshots, but I haven’t looked because my storage provider has it.

    Sometimes a separate tool like rsnapshot (but probably not rsnapshot itself as I dont think its hard links interact well with rsync) might be used to manage snapshots locally that are then rsynced.

    On to storage providers or back ends. I use B2 Backblaze configured to never delete. When a file changes it uploads the new version and renames the old version with a timestamp and hides it. Rsync has tools to recover the old file versions or delete any history. Again, it only uploads the changed files so its not full snapshots.

  • Important stuff (about 150G) is synced to all my machines and a b2 Backblaze bucket.

    I have a rented seed box for those low seeder torrents.

    The stuff I can download again is only on a mirrored lvm pool with an lvmcache. I don’t have any redundancy for my monerod data which is on an nvme.

    I’m moving towards an immutable OS with 30 days of snapshots. While not the main reason, it does push one to practicing better sync habits.

  • Can try installing Avahi on the RPi (may come on the default image). It will advertise .local over mDNS / DNS-SD. I believe Avahi will advertise on link local if there is no default route to the internet.

    Your system may automatically resolve the domain if its able to pickup the mDNS records to SSH in. Been a couple years since I’ve done it, so I could be forgetting a nuanced detail, but I vaguely remember just ‘plug and play’ if internet for the RPi wasn’t required.

  • My NAS is an mATX mobo with an i5, 64G RAM, 8 disk drives, 3 nvme drives, and an ARC GPU for video transcoding.

    Disk drives are all mirrored. One nvme runs NixOS which is easy enough to redeploy if the drive dies. One nvme is cache on top of the disk drives. Last nvme I use for temp fast storage like Jellyfin transcoding.

    Its more of a combo NAS/server as I run most self hosted apps on it (tor node, monero node, jellyfin, *arr stack, etc).