You’ve got two Cleopatra stories mixed up there.
She was said to bathe in ass’s (donkey’s) milk.
She killed herself by holding an asp (snake) to her breast.
You’ve got two Cleopatra stories mixed up there.
She was said to bathe in ass’s (donkey’s) milk.
She killed herself by holding an asp (snake) to her breast.
What do you think it would take?
Now scribe some inch markings either side of it and add a built in ruler to your bench. #featurenotflaw
The difference between $100 million and $1 billion is 90% of $1 billion.
People who have less than $100 million are much closer to the middle class than they are to being billionaires. We should be trying to recruit them to our side, not condemn them.
Not going to disagree with that, but you’re responding to somebody who obviously has no background in physics, and it strikes me as a reasonable balance between conceptual (“hand wavy”) and detailed enough.
This is an excellently written response.
Who said it resulted in no difference in voter turnout?
Yeah, that seems like a reasonable approach.
By comparison, North Carolina attempted to implement a voter ID law in 2016 that was eventually overturned by the Supreme Court because it deliberately targeted black voters.
No, this article is talking about things like rejecting registration based on minor clerical errors like ink color, rejecting provisional ballots arbitrarily, and restricting the availability of ballot boxes. That sort of thing.
On the voter id question, by the way, the argument isn’t about whether or not you should have ID to vote, it’s about whether you can get ID in the first place.
Most countries in the world either issue IDs to everyone or allow you to prove your identity with things like bank statements and utility bills, or just somebody else who can vouch for you. The problem with US voter ID laws is that they only give you a few options for acceptable documents, and then make it hard to get those documents.
I see why you’re getting at, but I think you’re mistaken.
Rage-bait works by evoking a reaction. It spreads because people become incensed and then feel the need to share the reason for their anger.
This is the opposite of reaction. It is a calm response to the OP explaining why they are reacting to rage-bait and inviting them to reconsider their posting.
This is not a free speech issue. The commenter makes a worthwhile point, and your point meanwhile is incorrect. Critique is not the same as reaction.
Good point. This journal was just delisted from Clarivate because of integrity violations as well.
This study is unscientific garbage and should be retracted.
Their “simulation” of making tea involved 300 teabags boiled in 600ml of water at 95 C while being stirred at 750rpm for an unspecified amount of time. They then took counts using undiluted samples of that liquid.
It isn’t clear why they chose such an absurd methodology, but it is absolutely spurious to draw conclusions from this about teabags used under normal conditions.
Fortunate that the constitution explicitly makes protesting legal, right guys?…