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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Because the police also protects them. Any old fashion violent revolt will be not greeted by population (currently) and the police and government will prevent that with force. the funny thing is, that the police and co. consistently protect the interests of the rich more than the interests of the poor. you’ll barely get discriminated if you’re rich. and it happens often, that rich people in a city are known by the policemen and they know that they shouldn’t fine them - as otherwise they’re out of their job.

    Many people actually have forgotten, that unions were created because the workers were starting to kill owners of factories/companies due to the massive exploitation. Unions were only powerful, because the alternative - namely violentl death for the owners by being outnumbered - was actually dangerous and had teeth. but these days, unions have much less teeth - and when strikes don’t work, violence becomes necessary.

  • Life.

    9 months until your game finally goes beyond loading screen. You pay it permanently and cannot stop playing it - and if you intentionally stop playing, you can’t play again. No savestates - which sucks for exploring alternatives. You also don’t get asked whether you want to play or not as well - you just get thrown in. Also there is no character selection screen and you start with whatever stats, region, context, etc. you rolled.

    However, it is definitely quite interesting and gives you really very realistic experiences. Did I mention, that it’s much better in its immersion than all the AR/VR stuff and co? You even can properly smell and taste stuff there!

  • Even when things go wrong, it’s not as bad as with the other classic fossile energy sources. Exactly this calculation is included in the world in data source on deaths per kWh which I linked.

    When we have car accidents normalised, massive climate change, air pollution from fossile fuels, then even the occasional nuclear accident isn’t really a problem.

    The problem is, that these accidents get much more attention than they deserve given how many deaths are caused by fossile fuels. When calibrating for deaths, fossile fuels should get around 100x the attention

  • Oh, I have two good ones:

    1. Nuclear power causes less deaths (per energy unit produced) than wind (source)

    2. You get less radiation when living near a nuclear power plant, than if that nuclear plant hadn’t been there.

    To explain the second: A major misconception is, that nuclear power plants are dangerous due to their radiation. No they aren’t. The effect of radiation from the rocks in the ground and the surroundings is on average 50x more than what you get from the nuclear power plant and it’s fuel cells. (source). Our body is very well capable of dealing with the constant background radiation all the time (e.g. DNA repairs). Near a power plant, the massive amounts of isolation and concrete will inhibit any background radiation coming from rocks from that direction to you. This means, that you’ll actually get slightly less radiation, because the nuclear plant is there.

  • a competition between the various instances, on which collects the most donations

    Can you elaborate? I have the impression, that we need to think more deeply about how the donations should be distributed. E.g. a users fund are donated proportional to their subscribed Communities? I think it’s difficult, as people’s time spent on a community doesn’t necessarily mean it’s proportionally valuable. I’ve had a few subreddits which I used rarely but we’re quite important to me.