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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • How many states made EV’s illegal, how much subsidies have been misappropriated by mainstay industries, and what have lobbyists been doing to prevent the fostering of EV technology? That’s like, what, 2 decades of corporate meddling and political boot licking for these “job creators”?

    Preventing progress and hampering the US’s competitive advantage. Why are they not labelled as traitors yet? The door may already have been closed and China owns that house. How do I know that? Let’s check historic precedent in another technological field.

    Most AMOLED and OLED are manufacturers in either South Korea or Japan. Sharp provides Apple with all its panels for instance. This is because both the south Korean and Japanese governments subsidized the shit out of these technologies in the mid 20th century. That’s using subsidies to effectively corner markets - which is a big brain move. China may have done this for EV’s already.

    This is because Chinese, South Korean and Japanese politicians aren’t a bunch of rubes who sold their integrity to the highest bidder and have the wherewithal to see one meter in front of their faces. This is also a problem of neo- and classical liberalism, because they still think that their “free market principles” will prevail.

    Like the bunch of rubes they are.

  • The Sapmi are really taking up the fight here, you guys, not just for them, but for Norwegians as well.

    For some context, the windmills in Norway are EXTREMELY disliked. Partly because trusting cost cutting European companies was a mistake (they are proned to error have a tendency to fall apart) and partly because they make the Norwegian landscape look ugly AF.

    Fun fact about Norwegians, is that we are suppusedly “national romantics”, in that norwegians supposedly worship the forests , the mountains, the fjords… until the deforestation, wanting to dump coals in the fjords, the fucking cruise liner tourism my fucking GOD the cruise liner tourism…

    Suffice to say, our neo-liberal parties are a bunch of toadies. I and many other Norwegians thank the Sapmi for checking the powers that be. But we still gotta protest, we still gotta make sure collective power isn’t trumped by elitism.

    Also, the government “gave back” a ton of land to a Baron family, which was acquired by the Norwegian government because all nature belongs to Norwegians. Its now being defrosted as we speak. See how neo-liberalism is also fucking up Norway?