Seems like you’re arguing for the sake of arguing.
Seems like you’re arguing for the sake of arguing.
Trump is a pseudopopulists, he fools people into thinking he is fighting for them while fighting for himself.
We need real populists, that go after people’s needs, not pseudopopulists like in GOP.
The far right populism is a pseudo populism. Real populists are (as name suggests) for the people.
Let’s not wrap it in some mysterious “big businesses” it is really oligarchs vs us, they take more and more of wealth making all of us poorer and then use media (which they control) to say it is because of minorities our lives are so shitty.
I highly recommend On Freedom book by Timothy Snyder which talks how we are being manipulated to go against our best interest.
I think everyone should read it and be aware as things won’t improve unless we start fighting back.
I think the biggest issue was actually with messaging. Democrats were still pretty much relying on MSM which almost no young people watch.
I think that beyond what Sanders says what left needs are young people, true populists (as opposed to pseudopopulists ones like MAGA has) with progressive messages.
Author gave many reasons I saw on social media, especially the top ones she mentioned like economy concerns or that she is a communist which are the opposite of reality.
She concentrated on what people are saying instead of why.
We are living in a world where huge part of population abandoned traditional news such as TV, newspapers and is getting their vote about the world via social media through memes and influencers.
The biggest problem with it is that this unlike traditional media is open to foreign interference. We had report of American bloggers being paid by Kremlin ridiculous amount of money, we have evidence of bots being used to persuade public opinion, astroturfing groups on Facebook and other social media that were traced to Russia.
And we still did nothing to stop it.
Half of America lives in a different reality. And it isn’t just America but those efforts are happening also in Europe and other Western countries.
She has to take current strategy, because people like you are not voting, so in order to win she has to rely on votes of people that you don’t agree with.
I still don’t get how we ignored our own constitution and allowed insurectionist to have a second chance.
WTF America?
We desperately need tax on wealth.
In short, oligarchs want to get richer and want more power (there’s never enough), you would think that poor conditions would wake people up, but as long as there less fortunate ones as us we are fine with it. It is easy to set us up against each other by telling that our misfortune is because of minorities and immigrants.
There’s a book called On Freedom by Timothy Snyder that talks about it. I think everyone should read it. Once you are aware of the mechanisms it is easy to see.
You would think that Republicans breaking social security would surely lose them votes, but it is really easy to manipulate their base and tell them that there’s not enough money in SSN because immigrants are getting free money and once again we are fighting with each other and once again oligarchs walk away with more wealth.
You would think that maybe he would do photo op volunteering to help the hungry, but working at McDonald’s is apparently more hot for politicians right now.
No, that’s not what he said. He got a lot of flak for supposedly saying he invented the Internet.
In reality he never claimed that, he said that when he was a congressman he took initiative in creating the Internet, meaning sponsoring bills that would fund it etc. not actually inventing it.
Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf actually acknowledged that Gore was first politician that saw Internet’s potential and helped it becoming a reality.
Will try to find mine.
Honestly though I think that judges should be appointed by governor, maybe approved by legislature and during election we should have option to repeal them if they do something outrageous.
Yes ballotpedia is good, but I still wish it had more information about local (city, county) governments as well as judges. These ones are the hardest and most time consuming to research.
I also used it helps with some candidates, but looks like ballotpedia most of the time still has more info.
Sad thing is that he can openly say this, because none of the trump voters will even see this. Their disinformation channels will just say that Democrats are blocking it.
If those people actually tracked any news they wouldn’t be as easy to manipulate.
That sounds plausible. Neither in those 3 times there was anything visible on the camera and what are the odds suddenly those flies attacking him on every rally now?
He knows trump is petty, so if he would say that on Monday he would no longer be a speaker.
Same with Vance being a VP.
It’s mind blowing how much control that one person has over the entire party.
Feels like they would write “slammed”, but because he is gay it is “claps”
Saw != Watched, could have been for example seeing them going into a bedroom at a party. You don’t see the act, but you kind of know b what is happening.
She was 17, not 7, if you were in that situation would you call, especially that you don’t know the age?
Also the witnesses is pointing that she saw those two having sex, not that she knew her bio at the time.