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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Normal hifi gear, particularly second hand can sound way way better than generic computer crap. However normal hi-fi speakers are designed to work best a certain distance from the wall **and ** a certain distance from you. These distances vary between speakers but it is important to check this before spending any cash as some speakers need to be many feet from you, which isn’t always remotely practical for most pc setups.

    I went with Dali Minutes for this reason, so they can be right on the wall and really close to me. I paired mine with a Rega Brio amp and RME ADI 2 USB DAC, then added a monitor audio sub later.

    Most proper studio monitors are designed for near field listening they also make a good choice although they can be a little clean for some people’s taste.

  • Many possible reasons, such as the off chance Trump gets blocked from running. I realise its unlikely he will get blocked but there is still a chance it could happen and would have looked slightly more likely at the start.

    Also to force concessions from Trump. Not because she would have posed an actual risk to him in the primaries but because he had to spend money defending his position. If there is one thing Trump is always short of, its money.

    She also acts as a blocker to other candidates, who may leverage a stronger position if she wasn’t funded properly into lucrative positions in a Trump dictatorship in exchange for standing down.

  • It’s a decent machine for the money but compared to its competitors from gaggia and rancilio what they lose in fancy programming or the pid or the easy steaming (which is still way off mine) they gain in actually having an opv (depending which one you have), build quality and self service.

    I’ve seen far too many people have issues with breville stuff and then problems returning it. It’s not that good ones don’t exist it’s just that more reliable does.

    To put your seven years into perspective I should be getting 30 to 40 years out of mine with some regular servicing.

  • Majority of any e61 espresso machine is like that, pretty much par for the course for anything other than budget non e61 or some of the new high end espresso machines that use some variation of electrically heated groups.

    Mine will be “ready” after about 15 minutes but as an e61 group head is a heavy block it takes along time to get good thermal stability. Difference is I can steam and extract shots at the same time with 2bar steam and 9bar espresso, shot after shot.

    My espresso machine has a proper on/off switch, so I just leave that set to on and control the power from the smart switch.

  • While I really dislike Amazon I can email ebooks including pdfs and epubs direct to my kindle, I don’t even need to go get it and plug it in and I can do this from my phone if I want.

    If I have something really funky I can use calibre to convert and then email, or if it’s really big I can always plug it in and transfer directly.

    There are a lot of reasons to not like Amazon products but the kindle is actually pretty good considering who makes it.

  • Starlink, mostly because of Musk being Musk, but also because the replacement schedule of the satellites is against what I would prefer for a more sustainable service. Yeah I am well aware of why they replace them that often but I would rather they didn’t.

    I only use the service as I travel in a RV a lot, 4g/5g just cannot compete for high speed internet in the middle of nowhere or even the middle of somewhere, and that’s with a proper roof mounted and powerful external aerial. Cost vs. Other mobile satellite services starlink is just massively cheaper for large amounts of data. It seems expensive compared to 4g or 5g but it really isn’t when compared to satellite services.

  • One a day in the winter, I try and time it for after I work out, otherwise it ends up being two showers, same if I have to do a lot of jobs round the house.

    Two a day in the summer with the second shower being cold/cool water at night before bed. There is zero chance I want to get into a clean bed being all sticky and sweaty, and zero chance I go anywhere in the morning without a shower.